Oops ~ Grimmjow

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Warning: Kinky shit ahead ;)

You weren't one to apologize for you views, especially not for sharing them. You were opinionated and stubborn, but only when you felt like you needed to be. You were argumentative but only over what was important to you.

You hated being told what to do, what to say, what to wear, and above all you hated not being in control of your own actions.

He was literally everything you despised. He always questioned you, pointed out the smallest of flaws in your arguments and worst of all he told you what to do. He was just like you but about three times worse in terms of temper.

Which brought you back to the present.

Your face was red with anger, your small hands balled into fists at your sides "I don't see the big fucking deal! I told you I was going out, I don't need to tell you every single detail, MOM!" Grimmjows eyes held equal rage, his teeth chewing down harder on his inner lip at your childish insult "I don't fucking care what you said! I didn't know where you were, something could have happened to you!"

His words only made your fury bubble even more, your right hand shooting up to slap him only to be caught by his "I don't need you constantly babying me, I'm an adult and I can do what ever I feel like, you controlling asshole!" Tears of anger were shining in your e/c eyes, your hand yanking away from his as if his touch had burned you.

Every single week this happened. You'd go out to something simple like dinner with one of your friends, the thought of telling him completely slipping your mind and he'd eventually find out about your endeavors through a friends post. He'd then storm into your shared office and scold you to no end and it was starting to really get on your nerves.

"JUST LET ME LIVE MY LIFE, DAMMIT" You screamed, his endless banter enraging you even more. He stopped mid-sentence, leaving the house blissfully silent for about two seconds before he reached forward and grabbed a fistful of your h/c hair "Now you want me to leave you be huh?" He whispered menacingly, his eyes softening at the flash of pain that crossed yours for millisecond before remembering that you were a fiend for it.

"After years of telling me to care about you, you suddenly want me to stop? Y/n you know I'm a dangerous person to fuck around with, and when I tell you my emotions aren't some play thing to get you off I fucking mean it..." his hand let go of your hair before shoving you forward, watching as you landed against the wall across from him, your hands easing the blow.

He stalked towards you slowly, watching as you tried to calm yourself down, his actions leaving you dizzy. When he finally reached you his fingers tangled themselves into your hair again pulling your face back next to his and his other hand kept you in place "Maybe I should remind you who's really in charge here."

A whimper left you as his knee forced itself between your legs, rubbing against the rough denim of your shorts. One your hands moved from the wall to grab onto the back of his neck, a squeak leaving your mouth when he leaned forward to nip harshly at the skin on your neck.

He drew away from you, his nose scrunching at the mewls leaving  your mouth. Of course they turned him on, but he knew what you liked, and he was going to deliver. His fingers snaked down, rubbing your clit harshly through your shorts "Shut the fuck up or I'll stop..." His voice was so low, so dangerously harsh, and it made you arch into him more, your teeth abusing your bottom lip as you tried to comply.

Grimmjow chuckled at your eagerness to please him, and he pressed his mouth to your neck, rewarding you with a bright red mark. His hands undid your shorts, pulling them over your ass and down your legs, your fingers curling up to hold back a whimper when his knee moved away from you.

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