Chapter Eleven

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John Pov
I was doing my math homework when I heard something scrape across the floor.

I looked behind me.
Everything was normal.

I sighed and went back to my math. The scraping noise came again.

I noticed my shoes had moved slightly to the left. What the fuck?

"Alex go away I'm busy." I muttered.

He'd been doing that a lot lately. Or I think he was. Just moving stuff in my room. I saw him less and less but his actions were becoming more clear.

Sometimes they could be a little nerve racking and scary but once I remembered it was just Alex, the most harmless person to ever live, I calmed down.

My lights flickered a bit and my cup of pencils was tipped over.

"Fuck! Alex! Come on." I exclaimed, trying to get the pencils.

"John! Come downstairs! Your going to want to see this!" My dad called.

I sighed and shoved the pencils back in the cup. I headed downstairs and came into the living room.

"What is it?" I asked.

My dad pointed to the TV.

There were a picture of Alex.
"Breaking News; Teenager brutally murdered due to being involved in drug relations." The headline read.

"Drug relations?" I whispered.
I sat down on the couch and turned the volume up.

"Teenager, Alexander Hamilton was murdered two weeks ago and found two days after his death.
His cousin/guardian was said to have been selling drugs. There were two main suspects and they both admitted to killing the boy accompanied by Peter Hamilton, his cousin." The reported said.

Oh my god.
Three people.
Three people murdered Alex.
Holy fucking shit.

I don't know what to thi-

"Peter was taken into custody just this afternoon." She said.

I saw him.
I saw Peter just a few days ago when I went to Alex's apartment.

"Peter said that Alex had seen 'too many things' and decided to kill him to restrain him going to the cops.
Levi Weeks, Francis Kinloch and Peter Hamilton, all are in custody for the extremely brutal murder of Alexander Hamilton. The three said that they starved, occasionally beating Alexander over the course of six days and then decided to stop it there by choking him to death and putting it up as suicide." She reported.

It must've started on the end of Friday. That's why he was gone from school Monday and Tuesday before his 'suicide'. Tears streamed down my face. My dad rushed next to me and hugged me.

I sobbed in his shoulder.
"I-I think I'm going to be sick." I choked out, getting up.

I sat on the floor of my bathroom. There was that awful feeling in my chest.

You know the feeling.

The one that makes spreads from the pit of your chest to your finger tips. What if I asked him to come to my house that Friday?
Then he wouldn't have 'seen' anything right?

And he wouldn't be dead.
Oh my god it's all my fucking fault.
I let out a shaky breath.

I wish I had never called him a bitch or an idiot or anything like that. He didn't deserve it.

Alex is dead.
He's really dead.
My heart is dead.
Really dead.

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