Chapter Twenty One

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John Pov
I fixed my tie and sat in the waiting room. I was supposed to go to tHrEaPy before the big memorial today because I wouldn't be able to do it after.

Alex appeared next to me.
"Hey Johnny." He said.

I looked at him then back to the door.

"Johnnnyy. Joh- Talk to- I'm bored." He said lazily.

"Leave me alone right now okay?" I whispered.

"Ugh Fine." He said.
"Thanks." I muttered.

He still stayed next to me though.
"I'm horny." He said.

"You're a ghost! You can't get horny!" I whisper shouted.

"...that's what- think." He said.
I groaned and muttered, "Go away."
He sighed and left.

Mr. Washington came out of his office and gestured for me to come in. I sat down.

"Nice tie." Mr.W noted.
"Thanks. It took me forever to figure out how to do it right though." I muttered.

He chuckled.

"Tell me any story you have about Alex. Any thing at all. You get to choose." He said.

"Really? Alright. Let's see Erm..."

I woke up to Alex cuddled on my chest. This fucking is awesome.

Oh my god he's adorable.
How can Alex go from blowing up bathrooms, to this calm ass adorable lil kitten?

How can he go from kicking Thomas' ass to fucking this cute fucking puppy?

He squirmed and clung to my shirt. My sister laughed from the doorway.

"Y'all gay as fuck." She said.

Alex stirred and muttered, "What you'd call me?"

She giggled.
Alex leaned up and kissed me then smiled softly.

"I said it once and I'll say it again, y'all gay as fuck." She repeated.

"I'm gay for this boy right here." Alex said lazily, patting my chest. I snickered softly.

He rolled off of me and sat up. My sister snickered and closed the door.

Alex wiped his eyes and smiled at me. "Wanna steal something with me?" He asked.

"What? No!...wait..what do you wanna steal?" I asked.

He wiggled his eyebrows and smirked. Aw shit I know where this is going.

"Your virginity." He said.

I sighed and muttered, "That was so fucking smooth."

"I am the master of crappy pick up lines darling. Wanna hear some more? Because I have pick up lines for days."

"...or we could sleep." I suggested.

He smiled softly and snuggled back into me. I kissed his forehead and whispered,
"Good night my boy."


"It was the little innocent things that I really. loved about our relationship." I said.

Mr.W nodded, taking a sip of his coffee. I smirked and added,
"Like blowing up the bathrooms for example."

He choked on his coffee a bit and laughed softly.

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