Chapter 2

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It took 30 minutes before I arrive at my house, as I got down I heard my dog barking already. I look at my house and I saw my labrador dog running towards me.

"Love! I missed you so much girl" I told my dog as I rub her belly.

I saw my maid went out and approach me.

"Welcome back, Miss Syrene" she said.

I smiled at her, then the driver gave me my luggage, and my maid automatically take it from me.

"How much, sir?" I asked the driver.

"You don't need to pay, the payment I wanted you to give me is to bring back your kindness to anyone" he said.

I got speechless onto what he just told me, I felt something strange. I just nod and started to walk away slowly, but I stop and look back again, the taxi was already gone even though I never heard it move. I felt goosebumps and terrible as I enter my house.

"Maid, did both of you lived here comfortably?" I asked my maid.

"Yes, Miss... Before sleeping, I even hear Love crying"

I smiled and seated on the sofa, then Love jump over the same sofa and lay on my thighs.

"Miss, there's one more thing that you should know when you're not here"

I look at my maid.. She was scared to tell something.

"It's okay, I won't get mad"

"Well, there's a guy that always come here to buy some groceries for me and dog food for Love.."

"Is it your boyfriend?" I asked her.

She shook her head.

"Then, who is it?" I asked.

"I tried to ask him but he doesn't tell his name, he just said that he's one of your closest friend" she replied.

I got curious about that person while I'm looking at Love's eyes.

[DAY 2]

I woke up earlier than my maid and decided to have a jogging with Love. I went out of my house while holding the line of chain that is attached onto Love's neck collar, then I started on having a jogging until I reach the Han river park.

I seated on one of the benches and drink some water, I decided to take of the chain on Love's neck collar, and she's behave like when she's still a puppy.

"Have you found your future husband, Love?" I asked her on a silly kind of type.

Love just look at me while her tongue is out because of so much tiredness.

Then, I got shock when she suddenly bark and run away going forward.

"Love! Where are you going?" I shouted as I chase her.

But before I hold her, I saw Kenneth patting Love's head.

And my dog looks like she knows Kenneth very much.

"Love, come here girl!"

I called Love.

She run to me, then I pat her head.

I look at Kenneth and he's just standing while looking at me.

"It's nice to see you again, Syrene" he said.

"Nice to see you, too..." I replied.

Whether I like it or not, we both ended up on a cafe shop. Everything had changed if I base onto Kenneth's outlook.

"When did you came back?" he asked.

"Yesterday night.." I answered.

It feels awkward between me and him.

"Kenneth, are you the guy that always visits my house before?"

"Yes, your maid told you right?" he said.

"Yeah, well.. Thank you for taking care of Love" I told him.

He look at Love and smiled, then he suddenly told something.

"Hyson missed you already, do you want to know how is he?"

"No, I don't even care about him anymore" I replied while holding the cup of coffee.

"He still loves you, Syrene.. How about you?" he added.

"There's no love happened between us!"

I said on a raised voice.

Many people look at us, then I hurriedly stand up and pull Love.


I went out of the cafeteria and kept on walking away fast.

I heard Kenneth running and he even holds me.

"Why are you like this?" he asked.

"No, Kenneth! I should be the one to ask you, why did you and Hyson played and used me?!" I madly asked.

Tears started to flow down continuously from my eyes.

"You don't understand the truth, Syrene"

"I already understand the truth, all of it! Everything! That the truth is that Hyson doesn't love me, and no one would ever loved me like the way I love someone!" I shouted.

Then, I added...

"I'm stupid, Kenneth! Because I trusted someone and gave myself which in return, the result is unacceptable"

I cried continuously as I walk away and run going back home..

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