The plan

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There was no way I would convince Tucker to go anywhere with me. However, nobody else understood but me.

I kept my arms hugged tight to my body as I made my way through the crowd. I never felt so uninvited in my life. But knowing Slade and Audrey were right there watching me I knew not to try anything funny.

I bumped into a strange man and apologized. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone I never expected to be there. Nona. She was dressed in a silk white gown and sipping on the fancy champagne.

Before I could get past her, she grabbed hold of my arm.

"I thought you went out for pizza after your party?" she said.

"We...we were...I need to talk to Tucker. Do you know where he is?"

Nona took another sip. She wasn't buying it. "You hate Tucker. What is really going on? And why are those two hanging out down there?"

I racked my brain. "I'm being honest."

"And I'm sober seven days a week. Remember, sweet pea, Nona hears and sees everything that goes on in Cherry. And trust me this party is not where you want to be." She covered her mouth and whispered. "These nut jobs think we have a witch on our hands."

I made a face. "So I heard. That's just crazy."

Nona nodded in agreement. "I think I saw Tucker by the boardwalk with his buddies. Promise me you won't cause any trouble."

I agreed. I kissed Nona's cheek and hurried off to find Tucker. And as I slipped passed the dancing guest he was exactly where Nona said he was.

His friends quickly dispersed as I approached. Apparently, the rumors were enough to keep people away from me.

"What do you want?" He asked, stumbling. He was drunk, and this was getting more and more perfect every minute.

"Could we talk somewhere private? I have something I think you want to hear." I asked.

Tucker studied me. "Whatever you want to say, say it right here. I'm not going anywhere with you."

I dropped my gaze to the sands. A sudden flash of inspiration coursing my veins, I scanned my memory for any spells that would put Tucker under my control, even if only long enough to get him to the water.

I moved closer. Raising a hand, my fingers trembled. I uttered a spell I remembered from Hutch's family spell book. "Go to the water now."

Tucker was still. Not even blinking, I held my breath hoping it was enough to work. Suddenly, he was moving as if it was his idea not magic.

I followed behind him, looking over my shoulder to make sure nobody suspected anything.

Tucker stumbled across the sand, his fancy sandals kicking debris. I held my breath we made without being caught. After that the rest was up to Audrey.

The waves became louder. A cool chill blew from the water slipping over my skin as I walked. Suddenly, Tucker stopped. He shook his head.

My muscles tensed. He spun around on his heels. "What did you do to me?" His eyes transformed from alive to dull right before my eyes. The spell wore off. And I wasn't sure what else to do.

"Nothing. I just need to talk to you that's all. I swear it." I said.

"What is there to say?" Tucker kicked the sand under his feet sending it in my direction. I ignored his annoying behavior. "Are you going to admit Slade and his gang are into black magic?"

Twisted Magic (Book 2 of the Ink Series)Where stories live. Discover now