Tip 2 - Revising

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The next tip I have to share is revising.

What is revising? Revising is looking something over for a second time, checking it, and fixing it to improve its quality.

When writing, especially online, it is easy to make simple mistakes with spelling and other grammar-related things. Keyboards require less thinking and less focus on what you're writing than writing on paper does, so it is easy to miss these crucial mistakes in your writing. Reading things over once you've finished your story part will allow you to catch these mistakes and give off a more polished and professional feel to your work.

This can help your success with communication as well. Reading your story as if you were one of your fans, you can tell how your storyline is as well as the way you are explaining your words. Not to mention you can tell if you would enjoy your writing if you were just a fan. Revising allows you to switch from the role of writer to the one of reader, and you are able to look back on certain things - are there plot holes in this chapter? Does something need more explanation or more detail? Does another area need less? These are all questions you can answer if you take a few moments and look over your work.

To summarize, in simpler terms - you can check things you didn't notice you did while typing, such as grammar errors and wording issues. It's very important, and if you don't like a part of your book you can even change it before publishing to make it better.

The vast majority of errors found in Warriors fanfics can all be fixed with a simple revision! All it takes is a few moments, depending on how long your story part is. It can really make the difference between staying low or getting a bunch of views, votes, and fans.

Have any issues you want me to announce with your writing process for others to learn from? Comment below!

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