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Every person is born with a mark somewhere on their body and their soulmate carries an identical one on the exact same spot, helping them finding each other.

But how were you supposed to find your soulmate if it was complicated to show your mark to others?

Day 4 of the Soudam Week
Prompt: Soulmates
AO3 version:


Everyone has a Soul-Mark somewhere on their body that they share with their soulmate. Some have theirs on their arms or legs, and other's may have them somewhere on their stomach or maybe even their back. There were even a few people who had their mark on their cheek for everyone to see. With the help of these markings it was possible for people to find their soulmate and live a happy life with them, they only had to look around for the person who carried the same mark on the same place.

It was an easy process that had brought many people together who had been lucky to find their soulmate by simply looking around and comparing their Soul-Marks with the ones of other people.

Given that they weren't so unlucky like Kazuichi was. He wasn't able to simply go around and look for his soulmate like all the others did, since he did have a slight problem. The position of his Soul-Mark was more embarrassing than it was helpful to him and it made it nearly impossible to ask if he could see the marks of other people. To his unending misfortune he had his Soul-Mark on his right lower back, just hardly above his butt. There was no way that he could tell anyone about the position of it, it was just too embarrassing for him. Whenever he met people and they asked him if he's happen to have his mark on the same body part as they did, he would only give a short answer without giving an explanation were his actually was and he also never went out of his way to ask people where theirs was to avoid having to tell his. However the problem was that this made it nearly impossible to find his soulmate if he didn't talk about it and he suspected that most people with a similar weirdly placed Soul-Mark also never talked about the topic if it could be avoided.

It was frustrating. He really wanted to meet his soulmate and be happy with them, but he had no idea who they could be. They could be literally right next to him and he might never know without seeing them mostly undressed.

Kazuichi was sitting at a table inside of the dining hall during lunch, together with four of his friends. However instead of having a fun conversation about random topics, he was feeling like some sort of third wheel. Scrap that, fifth wheel was better fitting, since two of his friends were the soulmates of the other two and were currently all being sickeningly sweet with each other. At least Hajime and Nagito were that way, ever since they found out that they were soulmates with each other. Fuyuhiko and Peko, who were aware of being soulmates ever since they were children, were luckily already over their honeymoon phase, however Kazuichi couldn't help his jealousy about their luck and his misfortune.

When they all had come to Hope's Peak Academy, quite a few of his new classmates had found their soulmates within the first week, since everyone had immediately been eager to compare with each other. Everyone except of Kazuichi. Though he did admit that he had low-key hoped at that time that his classmate Sonia Nevermind would've been his soulmate, but sadly her Soul-Mark was on her shoulder and looked entirely different from his own so this hope was immediately crushed again. Would've been nice though to be the soulmate of a real princess. The thought made Kazuichi sigh.

"Is something wrong, Kazuichi?" Hajime suddenly asked him, making said student look up with confusion.

"Eh why do ya suddenly think that something is wrong?"

Soudam Week Summer 2018Where stories live. Discover now