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Communication between different species can sometimes be complicated and might require help from others. However it is important to only ask for help from people who actually know what they are talking about.

Day 6 of the Soudam Week
Prompt: Alternate Universe
AO3 version:


It had been a god awful long day at work and Kazuichi was ready to simply fall over and not move any more for the rest of the evening. Somehow everything that could've gone wrong that day went wrong. While he had been working that day one of his favourite tools broke without much reason, he had accidentally knocked something he had just repaired onto the floor and destroyed it again, meaning he had to restart yet again and one customer had thrown a fit on the mechanic because he didn't want to believe that the required work for his broken down car would take longer than just two hours. When knock-off time hit, Kazuichi was at the end of his nerves and he was glad that he was now finally on weekend. After this day, he simply wanted nothing more than to sleep in and do nothing at all for the whole weekend. Just sleep, play some video games and ignore the rest of the world; that sounded like a great plan for Kazuichi.

While driving home, Kazuichi began cursing as he suddenly stood in front of a barrier since of all days they decided to repair the main road that led to his flat today and thus block off the road. Great, just bloody fucking great. Trying to not rip out his pink dyed hair from frustration, Kazuichi turned on his turning signal and went left to drive past the huge forest that was at the outskirts of town, making his journey way longer as he hoped. At the very least he was alone on this road, so he didn't have to bother with people who don't seem to know how to drive despite owning a license and driving a car.

Singing along to some pop music that was playing on the radio, Kazuichi was finally able to calm his frustration down again. At least until he saw something lying at the side of the road. It was kinda big, so Kazuichi began to drive slower until he could make out what it was.

"The fuck? Some arsehole hit a dog and just left it there!" Who the hell was that big of an arsehole to just let an animal die at the side of a road? You could at least call someone and not just leave. Giving a sigh, Kazuichi decided that he could at least be the person to notify the animal rescue or someone, so that the poor animal could be removed. Parking his car at the side, Kazuichi got out of it and went towards the animal, his mobile in hand. Now that he was up close, he was surprised to see that it was a pretty large dog. It had black fur with some grey mixed into it and some of the fur was now in a brownish red colour where the animal was hit. Most of it was at its left front paw and only a small bit was at its head.

Now that he was able to actually look around, he saw that there wasn't actually much blood around the animal.

"Could it be?" Slowly and carefully Kazuichi kneeled down towards the animal and he regarded the it, concentrating on its chest and, yes the dog was actually still breathing! "Shit, better bring you to a vet or something." he said to the animal like it could hear and understand him. Getting up quickly and putting his phone back into his pocket, he went to his car and opened the bunk, getting out a blanket he always left in there just in the case of an emergency. Though he never would've thought that he would use it for something like this. Turning around, he made his way back to the dog and to his surprise, the dog seemed to have regained its consciousness and tried to stand up but failing miserably. When he dog noticed the approaching human, it immediately turned his attention to him and stared at Kazuichi.

Neither of them moved, Kazuichi because he was unsure if the injured animal was dangerous or not and the dog because he couldn't really get up with its injured leg.

Soudam Week Summer 2018Where stories live. Discover now