The Waitress Pt.3

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Trinity POV

I woke up hearing arguing downstairs, I slipped on Keith's slides that was on the floor and walked halfway downstairs to see that Ranay was yelling at Keith while Keith was just sitting down looking irritated.

"Ranay give the girl a fucking break she was literally raped yesterday" he said

"I don't give a fuck if the bitch got shot, I don't like her so she need to leave. I really can't believe you taking this bitch side over mine" she said

I quietly went back upstairs and grabbed my belongings then walked back downstairs to see Keith and Ranay staring at me.

"Hey I'm gonna go ahead and go" I said with a small smile while struggling to walk

"For what? Stay here" Keith said getting up to help me walk

"No I'm good, I'm not wanted here so I'll just leave" I said still struggling to walk

"Yeah leave you not wanted here" Ranay said

"No Trinity sit yo ass down, Ranay get out of my house and don't come back" Keith said sternly

I carefully sat down on the stool while playing with my fingers.

"What?!" Ranay said

"You heard what the fuck I said Ranay. I'm so tired of yo rude ungrateful ass get the fuck out of here" he said then walked to the door and held it open for her to leave

"You know what fuck you I don't need you anyways" she said and left

Keith shut and locked the door behind her then turned around and exhaled.

"You okay?" I asked

"I'm great, a big weight has been lifted off of my shoulder" he said with a big grin on his face

I chuckled and took the time to admire the house.

You hungry?" He asked

I nodded my head.

"Come on ima help you upstairs" he said then held his hand out for me to grab

I grabbed it and held onto him tight while limping upstairs. He took me to his room, and handed me the remote, I laid in bed and flicked through the channels. Literally nothing good was on, I looked at the shelf under Keith's tv and seen a big movie book, I carefully got from under the covers and tried to stand up but that failed I fell to the ground hard.

Keith ran upstairs and stopped once he seen that I was on the floor, he rushed to help me up and sat me on the bed.

"You okay mama?" He asked

I nodded and gave him a small smile

"What you need?" He asked

"Can you hand me that movie book under your tv?" I asked. He nodded and grabbed it then put it in front of me,

"Pick a movie cause you know you can't get up to put it in"

I nodded and quickly looked for a movie. I decided to watch "Love and Basketball" he put it in for me but didn't play it cause he wanted to wait till the food was done cooking to watch it so I got on my phone until the food was done.

15 minutes later the food was done, he came upstairs with two glasses of orange juice then came back with two plates of food. He handed me mine then sat next to me on the bed, I looked down an the plate and seen that he made pancakes, bacon, eggs, and grits, and he had some fruit on the side.

I thanked him for the food then prayed over it and started eating.

5 minutes later I was done with my food, Keith was downstairs cleaning up while I was laying in bed on my phone. I offered to help him clean up but he said no and to stay in bed.

He came back from cleaning up, he shut his room door then laid in bed next to me. He grabbed the remote and pressed play then laid his head on my chest while holding me tight. I just laid there and started playing in his hair.

A couple of minutes later I heard snoring, I looked down to see Keith sleeping while drooling on me. I chuckled and continued playing in his hair, until I heard the door bell ring. I told Keith someone was at his door he told me to just ignore it and they'll leave.

But they didn't they just kept ringing the doorbell, I got tired of hearing it so I carefully tried to get up but Keith wasn't having that

"Noooo lay down!" He whined

"Keith I'm coming right back" I said with a chuckle

He threw a temper tantrum then turned the other way, I guess he call hisself being mad at me.

I slowly left his room and carefully walked down the stairs, I wasn't hurting that bad but I was still hurting. I looked through the peep hole and seen Ranay, I rolled my eyes and opened the door for her to come in.

She looked me up and down then rolled her eyes and went into the living and grabbed her things that she left. Before she left of course she had to say something smart.

"I don't see why he's trying to take care of your ugly ass, you need to fucking leave. You deserved to get fucking raped" she said with a smirk

"You're just an evil bitch, I see why he doesn't want to be with you anymore" I said

She looked at me shocked.

"Listen here bitch, you bet...gco

"I better what?" I said with my hands on my hips

Just as she was about to say something someone bust through the door, it was the man that raped me. He looked me in my eyes and smirked, then he looked me up and down while biting his lip. I backed away from him with a tear running down my face.

"Ew John why you biting your lip at this ugly bitch" Ranay said while looking at me with disgust

"This the same hoe I been telling you about" he said with a smirk

"Wow, you a nasty bitch" She said while still looking at me with disgust then left the house

The man stayed and walked up to me and whispered in my ear and said

"I'll be back for more so be ready" then smacked my ass hard and kissed my cheek. He then left the house, I hurriedly locked the door behind him then walked upstairs with tears running down my face. I quickly tried to wipe them away but they just kept coming down, I started shaking really bad.

I hurried and walked back to Keith room to see him sitting at the edge of the bed while cleaning his gun.

"Was that him?" He asked not looking at me

I didn't say anything, I couldn't say anything.

"I said was that him Trinity" he said this time looking at me

I still didn't say anything.

He nodded his head and stood up, he went into the dresser and picked out some black jeans and a black T-shirt.

He threw them to me me and told me to put them on then left out of the room.


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