ılı Prologue ılı

108 4 1

:: Third Person ::
:: time && date || June 14th, 11:34am, 2018 ::

Ayano Aishi... Wasn't a very popular girl. She never cared enough to make proper relationships with people, but that didn't mean she didn't have friends.

Often, she would sometimes be seen with people in the closed range of Saki Miyu, Oka Ruto, Riku Soma or Haruto Yuto. Despite this, none of them were very close with the noirette. They had positive opinions on the girl who always smiles and retrieves things for them, but they know none of her interests, just that she's currently in the Drama Club.

Once Budo Masuta, the Martial Arts Club Leader, had gained knowledge of this, his curiosity on the girl had grown. He always had some kind of attraction to his kōhai, whether it was her mysterious aura, the way she joins petty clubs when she has much more potential-

Or maybe it was that fake smile she always wore.

Ayano Aishi, he noticed, always had a smile on her face, yet... No hint of happiness in her eyes. Those storm grey eyes of hers were always empty, lifeless. 

He wanted to figure her out. He wanted to know why she was so... Idle. She always put on some kind of facade around different people, like a character from a game. He wanted to be closer to her, maybe get her to join his club...

And so, that's what he sought out to do.

  ▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ [ PULL THE TRIGGER ] █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ ▁  

The Club Leader had arrived at school at 7:05, hurrying to his locker to catch up with another. Skidding to a halt, he had managed to spot Ayano next to her locker, her attention being constantly averted to look over at another boy. Taro Yamada, his name was.

Shaking his head, Budo had simply decided to ignore this, approaching Ayano with a bounce in his step. "Aishi-San!" He called, and he watched as the girls head snapped back around to look at him, that blank smile growing over her face again.

"Oh- Hello, Masuta-Senpai." She greeted, waving up at the other. Budo let a heaved breath ascend from his throat, shaking his head at that. "I told you, just call me Budo!" He insisted.

In response, she simply shook her head. "We're not that close, I won't do that." She reminded him. Budo placed his hands on his hips, his brows furrowing at this. "Alright, fine. But you know, we could get closer if you join my club!"

Ayano pressed her lips together in a thin line, her eyes half-lidded as she closed her locker. "You came to ask that again?" She huffed, not being entirely unable to resist to urge to roll her eyes. 

Budo had, as usual, lost absolutely no confidence, hands on his hips as his grin grew wider. "Yeah, of course! Someone like you doesn't suit the Drama Club with that stingy girl as the leader." He pointed out.

Ayano blinked, and she wasn't able to fight that small smirk from tugging at her lips. She wasn't used to feeling much, but she didn't expect Budo to speak so coldly of a girl. It was... Humorous, to say the least. "Well, she is stingy.." She chuckled, shaking her head.

Before Budo could continue, Ayano had continued to stand her ground, straightening her posture and bringing a book close to her chest. "However, I don't have much of a choice right now. Maybe..." He held in a breath, waiting for the girl to continue as she turned on her heels, watching as Taro headed to class.

"I can take up your offer some other time!" She suggested, turning her head to look back as she waved bye to him, her smile spreading over her face before she quickly followed after the former.

Budo had suddenly been blinded by her words to notice. Her smile seemed... Malicious. Like she intended to harm someone. But he didn't notice. He had never focused on her smile, or her body language, or her ability to fake a persona just like that.

He would always be drawn to her eyes...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2018 ⏰

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