Broken Halves

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We lay there. My head on his chest, just above his heartbeat. His arm slung over my shoulders, holding me close. My palm rest against his cheek, damp with his tears.

I can feel his pain in every breath he takes. One lonely tear escapes my burning eyes and trails down my cheek to fall on his bare chest.

I wish for his pain to be absorbed through my body by osmosis. I wish for it to disappear and just be gone. My heart aches for him.

I want to tell him that everything will be okay. I want to tell him that it was all a lie. That I'm not the cause of his heartbreak. But I am, and nothing will ever be the same again.

So I lift my head off of his chest, already feeling the distance between us grow as I lose contact with the beat of his heart, the soundtrack of my life. His eyes are shut tight, as if not seeing it happen would prevent it from happening.

But it is and I can't stop it.

His arm slips off my of shoulders, lifelessly. My body shudders at the loss of contact and I close my eyes against the onslaught of tears. He doesn't need this. He doesn't need my tears. Only seconds ago he held me so tightly I could barely breath. Now, he doesn't hold me at all and I struggle to breath for an entirely new reason.

Breathing becomes a mission on its own. The air can'the past the big lump in my throat to reach my lungs. Just like how my love can't reach his heart because I can't get past the boulder of pain that's in the way.

I get up completely from the bed. He's still laying there. His eyes shut, few strands of midnight black hair brushed against his forehead, his soft mouth set in a tight line I've never seen before.

I move my eyes from the lips I'll never touch again to his strong neck. I glance at my favourite place just below his jaw, to his chest where his hand lay curled up in a fist.

"I'm-," my voice breaks, mirroring the action of my heart. I try again, forcing the words past the lump of tears in my throat , "I'm sorry. Kev. I'm so damn sorry." I end in a whisper. My lips tremble and I bite down on them to suppress a whimper.

He lays still for so long I'm not sure if he heard me. At last Kevin opens his eyes painstakingly slow. The emotion in those steel blue eyes shine so clearly it's as if I'm staring at a reflection of myself. At a reflection of our shattered hearts.

I can't breath. It's too much. Everything comes rushing back, all of the good memories, the bad memories, our favourite memories. I can't stand seeing it all again in his eyes.

The tears I kept at bay by sheer will came gushing out as I turn abruptly to run. I flee from the man that's always been there for me, from the man who holds my heart forever.

I try to convince myself that by leaving I ease his pain and in turn i ease my own my pain. Its like my heart cant understand the logic of my brain. It's still shattered into microscopic pieces. It would take a hundred life times to piece it all back together. Or it could take a single Kevin to make it whole again.

Our broken hearts are matching pieces. We complete each other. Without him, I'm only half a person. A shell of what I used to be...


Thank you for reading ❤
Eid Mubarak to my Muslim readers 😊

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