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When I got to school after a thirty min drive I turned the car off and took a deep breath 'here we go again' I thought to myself. gracefully I step out of my car wearing a blue polo v-neck , my ripped skinnies, a leather jacket , my very darkly tinted ray bans , and last but not least my white vans. As soon as I stepped out of the car everyone stopped to watch me walk into the school, yes this dose happen everyday. I just kept my head held high and my all black canvas bag slung over my shoulder. While I was walking through the hall people parted there way and bowed there heads to me , your probably wondering why , not only is the moon goddess my mom but my dad just was one of the most respected Alphas in the world. Yes I did say in the WORLD, I wouldn't lie about it because I have never lied . I mean I can lie but I choose not to because the world is already filled with so many why add on? I made my way to class and sat directly in the middle because ... well just because I wanted to I guess. Everyone started to fill in and as usual no one sat beside I front or even directly behind me they all skipped atleast one seat away from me, but it's whatever because I'm a senior now so I've been dealing with this since my first day of school.

*skipping to lunch*

I sat down in my usual spot which is in the very back , on my own table and my own seat leanin my back against the wall and my feet propped up in the table with my shades still on and a book in my hand. All if a sudden it got REALY quiet in the lunchroom and all I could smell was French vanilla and also a very faint smell of polo colonge mixed in with it, while I sat there with my eyes closed and inhaling very deeply I felt someone staring at me and that's when I opens my eyes to find a boy , no scratch that a man /angel lookin right at me.

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