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Our planet is just one of the many planets, and probably we are not the only living creature in over 200 billions of galaxies. We can't safely say that we know each and every details, and we can't just be comfortable that we are studying just the basic parts of Sciences. With all the people's experiments, some says people are getting smarter to invent everything we can use for our daily lives and to protect our Mother Earth. But you know, there is so much more that we can explore. Science can give us any explanations and theorems in every situation. Call it sickness, pandemic, calamities, storms and apocalypses. But who can explain to us when a coven opened a mysterious portal to another realm?

What was there waiting for them? Is it too dangerous? What are the creatures living there? Can they go back?


"If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it."
--Toni Morrison

A U T H O R' S  N O T E

Hi. This is a revised edition of  my book "The Magic Of Love: Witchcraft". Some of you may have read it the past years with five chapters, I have put it ON HOLD but I decided to unpublished it and revised it to be a better adventure book about witchcraft and all other mythical creatures.

This book is still a ZARRY STYLIK fanfiction, and PURE FICTION about witches and wizards. All the knowledge I have written and used on this book was came from my very supportive friend, Esi-jenny. Thank her for that. We gotta love her that much for that.

Another reason why I revised this, most of the characters I have put on are not on wattpad anymore. And some of them I lost contact with. Please still do support this book. I am nothing without my readers.

Ps. This book is not allowed for any translations. No exception.

All the love,
A 🥀

Into The Unknown (Witchcraft AU; ZARRY)Where stories live. Discover now