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The names Lauryn Kaityln Alford.  I go to Reynolds Private School and I'm starting 12th grade. I'm on student council, and captain of the competitive dance team. I've been dancing since 3 years old and it was my passion for a while, heck I still love it but there's one thing I love more than dancing and that's writing. I started writing when life got ruff. My parents got divorced which was when i was 10 and it was a pretty rough time for me. I remember every night I had to go into my little brother and sisters room and hold them. I didn't have time to cry because I had to be strong for all of us. Instead of crying i wrote out my feelings and ive been writing ever since. I started with a diary like alot of people and now I write short stories and I'm working on a novel but I've had writers block. I've come a long way. I applied to UNC to be a journalism major with my best friend Love except shes majoring in environmental science. My boyfriend Daniel is going to Harvard. Already has early acceptance and leaves for 2nd semester. I'm so proud of him but i'm sad too. I don't know what's gonna happen to us.

I live with my dad most of the times, but I go to my moms every other weekend. It used to be week but I got real busy filling out college applications, I have to work 3 days out of the week. It's not a bad job though. It's basically an internship but I get paid for it. It's at a little publishing house and I sort through paper work and answer calls.

I wouldn't describe myself as girly but I guess you can. Love's more of a "tomboy" I guess. Skinny Jeans, vans and, loose flowy tops with her beanie is the usual for her.

My phone buzzes from underneath me.

Love ;p : Picking ya up at 9 be ready. Last party of the summer. /:

I sighed looking over at the clock 6pm great. I guess i'll jump in the shower.

To Love ;p : Kk. See ya then ! Can't wait to go to sleep on time tomorrow -.-

I plugged my Iphone5S into the shower speakers and put it on shuffle. It's gonna be a great night.

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