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I got out of the car slinging my backpack over my shoulder and grabbing my coffee. I went to turn around but instead I ended up on the curb along with my books and coffee.

"I'm so sorry love" he said.

I noticed a bit of an accent.

"My names Lauryn not Love." I said harshly

"Didn't mean to offend you love" I could hear him smirking

I got up ignoring his outstretched hand. I grabbed my books finally looking to see who this asshole was and suddenly my books were on the ground again.

"You okay love?" he questioned

"Um yea sorry just realized I'm gonna be late" I said running into the school not even bothering to look back. I'm definitely not one to fan girl but holy crap I just ran into Liam freaking Payne at MY school. Why was he at MY school at 5 in the morning?..

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