chapter 1

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The icy wind kisses my skin and dances in my hair as I stand motionless at the old oak tree luminated gently by the moon.

This very tree upon this mound of a hill, it used to hold such beautiful memories, the soft warmth of child's laughter as her father pushes her on the tire swing fills my mind creating hot tears slowly rolling down the side of my face.

Touching its bark, it feels cold, its wood digs into my nails and scrapes my clenching fist. My teeth grit and my eyes closing; withholding the floodgates of painful tears of agonizing memories.

Falling to my knee's, I weakly grasp a single daffodil from my darkened hair and place it solely on the soil in front of the mossy, unkept gravestone. His favourite thing in the world was daffodils, he went his whole life without seeing one for himself, but that never faltered his dream and especially never tainted his obsession.

With trembling lips I bring forward the best smile I can muster. " I love you, dad, have fun with the big man up there." The cemetery area was eerily quiet with the exempt of the unforgiving winter wind mildly dancing through tree branches, and the bellowing crunch of snow with each pained step i took.

Rows of rows of forgotten graves passed my sides as i took to seemingly long walk back to the hole in the gate i use to enter and exit this sad place. Its wire clanging irritated me whilst i pulled my small body through the gap, my shoe meeting the sidewalk, my mind as numb as my cold hands.

Steping my body through, my mind was brought back to reality as one of the cut ends of the wire grabbed the leg of my sweatpants. Irritated, i groaned reaching for the hold it had on my pants and fumbled around, my attempt proving futile as the wire end had now not only ripped my favourite pants but also get more entangled.

"WHY?!" i screamed at the sky as i sit on the snowy ground, my pants trapped to a rusted wire fence and my ass colder than an Alaskan funeral.

As if things couldn't get more worse, two glowing eyes emerged from behind my fathers oak tree upon the hill in the near distance, its mismatched eyes glowed a aqua blue on the left and a deep crimson red on the right.

Its rapid pace coming closer and closer. My first thought was some form of ghost, possibly of my father to tell me how much he loves me and misses me, that is until the closer it came the more it showed a wolf-like body.

My heart screamed into place beating faster than a chef whisking an omelette, my legs frantically thrashing, the last thing left to do was ditch the pants, but there was no way I'm risking my dignity.

The thing was so close it was now too late, one second it was so close I could see the light brown fur lit up by the moon, the next, it was clearing the fence with a single solid leap. Mind you this fence was good seven feet high.

Its paws it the ground before its startled glowing eyes met mine, i froze. Its eyes clearly showed fear, worry and a burning spark of determination, but that wasn't the big thing right now, what really mattered was the large fangs peeking out from the things lips. Im not zoologist, but that is no normal wolf teeth, that, THAT is something right out of a horror movie. Something im not ready to deal with tonight, especially not so soon after my fathers passing.

So with that, my dignity left the building, watching it like a hawk as much i can possible in this moment, i slowly slipped one leg free of the torn pants one by one, its eyes almost human like watching my legs, almost so human like that if i wasnt scared shittless right now, I would've been worried about how much calm it got just by looking at my legs.

Standing ever so slowly, its eyes left my legs and met my eyes, backing away carefully, i could feel its mysterious eyes reading my soul.

With one painfully slow count down, prepard to make the run of my lofe time. God, if i live, i'll make sure to never skip P.E runs.

My voice course, low and shaky, i began the count down


My feet stancing. My eyes closing with my lungs clearing


The beast stepping forward, sensing my motives.


My hazel eyes flying open faster than a gunshot, making the beast flinch and become denfensive before my voice screamed out and my legs shout out;


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2018 ⏰

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