5. Closet

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I was on my way to school, when a car halted next to me. I bent my head, waiting for the window to lower and saw Hailey. She waved at me to take a seat and I gingerly agreed. Smiling, I opened the front seat car door and plonked myself next to her, enjoying the warmth inside the car. I looked at the backseat, where Tyler and Cole were making out.

"Hey, Tyler", I greeted and he replied with a 'mmph'.

"So, I take it as, you knew about them?", I asked Hailey.

"Yeah, I did", she replied, smiling. I studied her for a few seconds, only to get caught. I instantly bent my head down, cursing under my breath. I looked at her face, again, studying her slightly red cheeks. I could feel my cheeks heat up.

After a few minutes, she stopped the car a little far away from the school. Cole reluctantly got out and Tyler fell silent, as soon as he left. We pulled in to the school parking lot and got out of the car. I looked from the corner of my eye; Hailey had her one arm on Tyler, who looked glum. Must be difficult trying to hide your relationship from the world.

We entered the building and I saw Cole with his friends. I looked at Tyler, who had his head slightly bent, his cheeks a deep shade of red. I glanced at Cole, who was staring at Tyler and had a small smile plastered on his face. Hailey nudged Tyler and wiggled her eyebrows.

"Shut up", Tyler squeaked and stifled a giggle. I opened my locker and stuffed the thick biology book into my bag. I turned around and my hand slightly brushed against Hailey's and I felt the goose bumps rise on my arm. We headed in opposite directions and I entered the noisy biology class. Mrs. Cameron entered the class and waited for us to settle down. She stood in the front for about a minute and when the class still didn't show any signs of getting quite, she banged her hand on the desk. The sound echoed in the class and everyone turned towards her. After a brief second they went back to their usual chatter. I couldn't help but snicker.

"Okay! That's enough. Back to your seats!" she screamed. She looked around, but no one responded to her screams.

"If no one's back in their seats in the next five seconds, I'm going to fail every single one of you", she screeched at the top of her voice. In the next five seconds, everyone was back in their places.

Mrs. Cameron started scribbling some notes on the board and explaining. We were doing an in depth study of cells. I listened to her occasionally and wrote down once in a while. I never really listened in class, I was more into self-study.

Halfway through class, the door opened and a grumpy Valerie made her way to the only seat left, located next to the wall. She plonked herself and started cursing under her breath.

"Ah, Valerie. Finally! Mind explaining why you were late, again?", Mrs. Cameron enquired in a sweet voice. Valerie looked up and gave a fake smile.

"You see, Mrs. Cameron, I didn't want to come, so I was in the basketball court. But our really bitchy Ms. Maximus dragged me here", she replied.

"Very well then. Moving on", she focused on the rest of the class. I looked at Valerie and saw below her eyes and her hair in a mess. She was in the exact same condition of my brother.

The bell finally rang and Mrs. Cameron handed out our homework for the day. She announced a test at the end of the week and everyone groaned. Valerie was the first one to go out of the class, while the rest slowly filtered out.

After three more torturous hours, lunch came by. I dumped my heavy books in the locker and went to the cafeteria. Collecting my tray, I saw Hailey at the usual table and seated myself. Before I could greet her, a loud sound from the hallway boomed in the cafeteria. All the students made their way to the hallway, I could see a crowd surrounding something or someone.

Hailey took my hand in hers and pushed through the crowd. We finally made it and I saw Tyler lying on the floor, rolled into a ball. Hailey and I ran to him and slowly made him lie on his back. He was breathing heavily and his hands held his stomach tightly. Small purple bruises made their way on his face. Before we could help him stand up, I was pulled back and my arms were locked behind my back. They did the same to Hailey and she whimpered under the guy's grip. I looked behind and saw they were Cole's friends. I looked around, my eyes searching for Cole or maybe Valerie, she would definitely beat them up. I looked at Hailey, who had her eyes glued onto Tyler, who was being kicked in the stomach repeatedly.

"No! Stop!", Hailey screamed, but they didn't show any signs of stopping anytime soon. None of the people in the crowd came to help. They looked scared of the guy who was kicking Tyler.

Suddenly the crowd started to whisper and I looked towards my right and saw Valerie and Cole. As soon as they both saw Tyler on the ground, they charged towards they guy who beating him up. Valerie pushed the guy off Hailey and the guy holding me automatically released his death grip. Cole pulled the guy off Tyler and slammed him against the locker. I could hear everyone gasp and breaking into whispers.

"What do you think you're doing?", he growled.

"Put me down! Why do you even care?", he tried pushing Cole away.

"I care because he is one of the sweetest people I've ever known. I care because he is my boyfriend. I care because I am in love with him!", Cole finally put the other guy down and made his way towards Tyler. He was finally out of the closet.

He held his chin and examined his face. A tear slipped out of his eye and Tyler wiped it off. He slowly lifted him up, but Tyler's legs gave way. I tried taking his other hand but Cole scooped him up and carried him away.

"Get on with your life's!", Valerie screamed and followed Cole. Everyone started to clear out of the hallway and filled into the cafeteria. I sat down with Hailey and I could feel everyones eyes on us. We just avoided their gaze and continued eating. When we were done, we silently walked out and walked towards our classes.

I looked at Hailey again, who had a book in her hand and her eyes straining on the page. Her eyes were a deep shade of brown and her face a bit pale, but she was beautiful. Her hair tucked behind her ears, with a few thin strands scattered on her face.

"Hey, Hailey", I turned towards her. She looked at me, her face tilted to the right.


"Are you free tonight?", I mumbled.

"Yeah, I guess. Why?", her eyebrows knotting, as she closed the book in her hand . I rubbed my sweaty palms on my shirt and shoved them inside my jean pocket.

"I was hoping, maybe I could take you out, tonight", I spoke very fast and looked at her, who had a surprised look on her face. She stared at me for the next two seconds, no movement, at all. My throat was all dried up and my breathing rate was shallow. I cleared my throat, awkwardly.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I just thought I had a chance with you. Forget it ever happened", I left her in the hallway and started to walk away.

"Dylan, wait!", she came running towards me and I stopped in my tracks.

"Why would you think I wouldn't want to go out with you?", she chuckled lightly.

"Wait, really?!"

"Dylan, I'd love to go out with you", she smiled at me sweetly and I went ahead to hug her. She wrapped her hands around my waist and I buried my head in the crook of her neck. We broke the hug, exchanged our numbers and went ahead to attend our classes.

I was excited. Really excited.

Ik ik crappy ending and a late update. Guys, I just started my 11th grade and shifted to a new school. And i fucking hate it here. People are so bloody rude.


Cole is finally out!

Do you think i need to write longer chapter? Tell me your thoughts.

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