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Disclaimer... Not mine, blah, blah, blah

I currently apologize for my other story's writer's block, so I'm beginning to post this story for now and see how it goes. I know it's something different, but I hope you like it all the same.

Prologue: The Beginning Years

To say that Harriet was nervous would be an understatement. She as scared out of her mind, despite that her parents had constantly told her that everything would be fine and she would have a great time. The platform that held the scarlet stem engine was crowded with people. Some were wearing everyday robes others were dressed (like her) in muggle clothing. She felt her father squeeze her hand gently and looked up at him.

"You'll be fine." He said smiling.

"Oh my goodness... Lily, James!"

The small family looked around and saw a larger family coming towards them, smiles on all of their faces. Harriet smiled too as the Weasley Family came closer and another thought entered her mind. Ron was the same age as she was, and the Percy would be there with her, and the twins. Maybe this was not going to be so bad after all. She watched as Mrs. Weasley gave her parents hugs then bent over to give her one.

"Oh my." Mr. Weasley said looking away from the others.

Looking in the same direction all eyes fell on the same thing. Lily and Mrs. Weasley gasped while Mr. Weasley and James glared. Harriet noticed that they were staring at a blonde family not too faraway from where they were all standing. A man, a woman, and a boy that looked to be the same age as her and Ron. Harriet recognized the boy as the one from 'Madam Malkins', he had been walking out as she was walking in and bumped into her in the process. He had then walked right passed her with out even so much as the simplest apology. She assumed the two adults were his parents; there was too much resemblance for them to be anything else.

"Who are they?" Harriet asked looking up at her parents.

Lily got down to Harriet's level and embraced her tightly. She told her not to worry and just to have a good time while at school. Harriet looked back at the blonde family and watched as the woman lowered herself and kissed her sons head. The man than put a hand on his son shoulder and gave a nod, the boy nodded back then grabbed his duffle bag and boarded the train.

"Well, let's get you kids loaded up then." James said bringing Harriet's eyes away from the blonde family.

Once the trunks were loaded the two families began saying their good byes to each other. Ginny Weasley gave Harriet a warm hug as did Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. After they were finished the students grabbed their duffels and boarded the train. Fred, George, and Percy left Harriet and Ron as soon as they got on leaving them to find a compartment. They walked for a few minutes before finding an empty one.

It wasn't much longer before the whistle blew and the train started to move slowly out of the station. Harriet and Ron smiled at each other. Their first journey to Hogwarts had officially begun.

The next five years were unforgettable. Well they should have been, since Harriet and Ron spent more time in detention than they did out of it. Then of course afterward came the infamous Hermione lecture. There were a few times when Harriet and Ron talked about why they kept her around, and the only reason they could come up with was that they would be lost without her.

There was also the boy from the blonde family at Platform 9 ¾. He had introduced himself to Harriet as Malfoy, Draco Malfoy. She understood then why her family and the Weasley's had reacted the way they did. His father had fought on the side of the Dark Lord during the war, and was among the highest in his ranks. Some said that the only reason why he wasn't rotting in Azkaban right now was because of his wealth, others said he merely clever enough to stay out of trouble.

Another thing about Hogwarts was there were always surprises, and you never once knew what to expect of them. When Harriet was twelve Lucius Malfoy had tried to bring the Dark Lord back to power by giving Ginny his diary. During the year a house elf who called himself Dobby would show up at different times and try to give Harriet clues to help stop what had been happening. Well of course the mystery was solved and Harriet saved Ginny, but there was no way to prove that Lucius was behind the whole thing. So instead Harriet tricked him into giving Dobby his freedom. A small smile still formed on her face when she thought of the look on Lucius' face.

The best memory of all was lat year when Hogwarts had hosted The Tri-Wizard Tournament. When Christmas was arriving and students were trying to find dates for the

Yule Ball Harriet had gotten a real surprise. Cedric Diggory had asked her to go with him. At first she was nervous and a little confused. Cedric was three years older than her and she wondered why he hadn't asked someone older.

However she said yes and the Ball had been wonderful. Cedric had been the perfect gentlemen. He picked her up at her common room, danced with her the whole night, and then walked her back, giving her hand a small kiss as they parted for the night. They never went out or dated or anything like that, even though many assumed that they were or had. They were just two good friends who went to a school dance together and that was it.

Now here she was again, 15, a prefect, and on the Hogwarts Express going home at the end of her 5th year. She looked around the compartment and took in the sight of her friends. Hermione was buried in a book that she had already read four times, Ron was shuffling through hid Chocolate Frog card collection, and Luna was resting her head on Neville's shoulder as he stroked her hair. Harriet smiled at them. They had only started dating about two months ago but were without a doubt the world's cutest couple.

The compartment door slid open and Ginny entered, casted a glace at everyone, then sat herself next to Harriet giving her a wide smile. When the train arrived at King's Cross the group waited a few moments before getting their bags and leaving the compartment. Harriet was the last to leave and as she did she bumped into someone.

"Oomph! Sorry 'bout..." She stopped mid-sentence when she saw who she had collided with.

Draco Malfoy's eyes were glaring down at her. He didn't say anything but he did a quick look up and down the corridor. Noticing that nobody was around the focused his attention back on Harriet, and winked at her. Harriet frowned and opened her mouth to speak. But Draco just smirked and walked away. Wondering what the heck just happened Harriet continued to the exit with Hedwig and her cage in her hand and her duffle bag over her shoulder.

"There you are Harri."

Harriet looked around and smiled again when she saw her parents coming over to her. She hugged them both and started looking around the platform. She spotted Malfoy heading towards the barrier with his mother and had had half a mind to run up and catch him, but she thought better of it as she watched them disappear off the platform. Turning back to her own family they gathered the rest of her things and then exited themselves into the warm summer night.

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