Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Pen Names

The rest of the year went by too quickly for Harriet and Draco's likings. About a month before end of year exams they put their rendezvous' on hold and it was driving them both crazy. They would send short messages to each other in class when they could but it wasn't the same. Finally, the day before exams were to start, and the rest of the school was doing last minute studying, they snuck in a session of time to meet. Draco got their literally about five seconds after Harriet and immediately began to tear open her robe.

"Draco, what's your hurry?" she asked as he laid her down on the couch.

"I have an early exam tomorrow that I am not at all prepared for. But couldn't wait until the end of exams to see you again."

Harriet giggled as he nuzzled her neck and began to unbutton her shirt. She too had begun to unbutton his shirt. She tried to move down to were the remaining few buttons were tucked into his pants but he held her in place.

"Don't you dare." He growled.

"I can't reach the rest of your shirt buttons..."

"They'll be fine."

He brought her up to him as he pulled her shirt off of her and threw it on the floor. She threaded her arms through his shirt and began to kiss his chest. He let out a soft sigh and grabbed her hair with his hand while returning his mouth to her neck.

Harriet looked through her telescope again and made a mark on her star chart. She looked back at her list of constellations and got an idea. She ran her finger down the list and picked out two names. Writing the names down on a separate piece of parchment and putting it into her bag she returned to her telescope and continued with her exam.

Draco sighed as he watched Harriet, Ron and Hermione load themselves onto the Hogwarts Express. He watched them as they passed his compartment without even glancing at him.

"Hey Mate!" Blaise said entering the compartment with Astoria Greengrass.

"Hi." Draco responded

"I can't believe that the two of you only have one year left." Astoria chimed in.

"Oh, I know," Blaise said in a overly dramatic voice "seems like only yesterday when we were eleven, and coming on board for our first year. So long ago now," he stood up and said a little louder "so long ago."

The train jerked at that moment causing Blaise to fall to fall to the floor. Draco and Astoria laughed at their fallen classmate and shook their heads.

"I didn't quite understand the reason for that last move Blaise, would you mind demonstrating it again?" Draco said through his dying laughter.

Blaise shot him a disgruntled look and seated himself next to Astoria, who was still giggling. He gave her a look as well but it only made her giggle harder. Finally the laughter and giggling stopped and silence filled the compartment.

After the train was well on its way Draco excused himself from his friends' company and made his way down near the end of the train to the empty compartment he had charmed. If someone walked by the compartment would appear full, but in reality only two people would be occupying it. As he stepped inside he noticed that she wasn't there yet. Sitting down on one of the seats he looked at his watch wondering where she could be. As if on cue the compartment door slid open and there she stood panting and out of breath.

She had already changed into her muggle clothing and for some reason he found that very...appealing. She was wearing a pair if kaki shorts, with a pastel pink tank top, and black sandals. Just like her to tempt him in such a way. Of course she probably didn't do it on purpose, it was very hot today and she was just trying to stay cool. But it was tempting none the less. She closed the door and turned to face him.

"Hi." She said softly.

He stood up and approached her. She backed up slightly into the door of the compartment. He reached over and locked the door before kissing her slowly, very slowly. Harriet tried to speed it up but he pulled back smirking and shaking his head.

"This will be the last time I see you until school starts again. And I WILL make that time last as long as possible."

A soft "oh" was all she could say before his mouth covered hers again. When the kiss ended hi pulled her from the door and laid them out on the seats, her in front and him in back. She sighed as her kissed the top of her head. One of his hands stroked her arm as his other one undid her shorts.

"I thought you said you wanted this to last as long as possible." Harriet said in a sweet tone.

"And it shall." He said "However the time has to start somewhere."

They both laughed softly and kissed each other again. Draco's hand lightly traveled into her shorts and caressed her inner thighs. Harriet moaned into his mouth and sighed as she felt his hand brush over her centre. He licked his lips and pulled her shirt and bra straps down before kissing her shoulder and moving to the base of her neck, all the while moving his inside her shorts.

They spent the better part of the journey together before deciding it was best to return to their own compartments. As they righted themselves they made sure they had all the information they need for the summer.

"You remember our pen names?" she asked

"Of course I do." He said bringing her in for their last kiss till school started again.

The rest of the journey was pleasant for both of them and their friends. They talked, laughed, and enjoyed the rest of the trip. When the train finally arrived at Kings Cross they said their farewells (The Weasley's telling Harriet they'd see her on her birthday), and went to find their families.

Draco hopped out of the train and immediately began searching for his mother. He placed a hand in his pocket and felt something inside it. He pulled it out and discovered that it was a piece of parchment. A small note was written on it.

Dear Serpens,

Be Safe.

Love, Leona


Draco looked up from the note and saw his mother coming towards him. He stuffed the note into his duffle bag and walked to meet her.

AN: I hope you all are enjoying the story. I know it's something different. I've looked at the traffic and found that it's got readers up the wahzoo but no one is REVIEWING. Please someone leave a review. I'm asking for at least 3. 4 would be nice, 5 would be great, please. I know people are reading the story, but I don't know if anybody likes it. Please, Please, Please? *SMILES*

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