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y'know i was originally gonna be organized and make a date for each chapter to be released, but uhhh now i don't really care anymore.

organization? who is she?

tom stood in front of his bathroom mirror, unimpressed with how he looked but deciding to wear it anyway. he had on black overalls, a white long-sleeve shirt, and his checkered vans. it was 9:06, and he was getting ready to go to the party with tord. it'd been forever since he'd last gone to one. tom faintly remembered swarming bodies sticky with sweat, the screaming, the smoke, the drinks, the music-

"knock knock!" tord's voice called from outside his apartment door. he sounded sober, which was good.

tom rushed out of his bathroom and opened the door, looking up at tord and smiling softly. "hi. early?"

"yeah. hey, eyeless." tord responded, eyeing tom. the norwegian wore a black button-up t-shirt, faded grey jeans, and black converse. obviously, he was better dressed than tom. "you look cute."

"uh.. thanks." tom flushed, grabbing his phone from off the bathroom counter. "we ready to go?"

"'course we are. c'mon."

tom stepped out, shutting the door behind him and following tord as he headed out and for his car. they each entered and sat in their respective seats. tord immediately sped off, windows open as he blasted some random rock song on his stereo. tom couldn't help but feel nostalgic; he'd done the same thing all the time with his old friends only a couple years ago. he looked at tord and smiled, almost feeling his worries melt away. then he remembered how they'd thrown him away like worthless garbage.

his phone began to ring.

tom looked down, the caller id reading matt in bold white letters. guiltily, he hung up, not wanting the ginger to find out about what he was up to. but was matt his parent? pff, no.

"you're a cool kid, tom." tord spoke loudly so his voice wouldn't be whipped away by the wind roaring in their ears.

blushing, tom shrugged and replied, "i do my best." tord simply chuckled in response.

* * * *

tom and tord walked side by side towards a vast field, a barn placed near the edge of the dirt road. light flashed from inside, loud hip-hop music nearly shaking the ground. people danced inside, getting lost in the strobe lights and smoke from those who swayed in the corner taking hits from blunts. outside, people drank from red solo cups, laughing and talking amongst each other like friends would.

immediately, tom felt sort of... out of place. he didn't know anyone except tord, who he was sure would leave to get drunk soon.

"want a drink?" tord asked as they neared, face illuminated by blue and purple lights.

"no, i'm good." tom shook his head.

"aw, really? just a little."

"tord, i said no."

scoffing in annoyance, tord rolled his eyes before heading over to a table filled with snacks and drinks. tom glanced around and then began shuffling after tord, trying his best not to bump into anyone. he stood next to him, watching while tord grabbed a bottle of beer and took the cap off with a light snap. tord gave tom a wink and poured the liquid into a red cup, taking a swig and sighing in relief.

"how'd you know about this party?" tom asked curiously.

"i know people." tord only responded, using his free hand to grab tom's and lead him inside the barn.

tom squeaked, having no choice but to follow. "uh, where are we going?"

ignoring him, tord brought him to the dance floor, grinning stupidly while taking another swig. "let's dance."

"i don't dance." tom grimaced.

"yeah, sure. hush." tord pulled tom close, the brit yelping and falling into tord's built chest. he felt them begin to sway, tord's chest softly vibrating as he hummed to the music.

tom reddened as tord let his empty cup drop to the floor and intertwined their hands, pulling away just enough so they were pressed together but could see each other's faces.

"you don't dance?"

"don't be smug, this isn't even dancing."

tord chuckled, his hands slowly untangling from tom's to wrap around his waist. tom was left with nothing to do but wrap his own arms around tord's neck, heart racing. don't mess anything up, thomas!! his anxiety warned.

"you look panicked. just relax." tord smiled reassuringly, a trace of alcohol on his breath. tom pursed his lips and nodded.

they continued their soft sway, the music still pounding in their chests.

tom hesitated before saying, "hey, uh.. i think i could go for that drink now." he smiled shyly.

smirking, tord nodded. "i knew you'd come around. stay here, i'll be right back." he pulled away, turning and pushing through the crowd, disappearing.

tom stood there, awkwardly wrapping his arms around himself and glancing around. people laughed and danced together happily. he even spotted a couple girls twerking against some drunk guys. cringing, tom planted his feet on the ground as to not let himself get pushed around by the crowd. he suddenly felt two warm hands slither their way around his waist from behind, hot breath on his neck.

"what's a cutie like you doing at a place like this?" a voice purred.

tom's breath hitched and he immediately stiffened, heart pounding. where the hell was tord!? why was he taking so damn long!? he ripped the hands off himself and turned around, eyes wide as he stared up at a tall, attractive blonde dude.

"i- er, sorry. i'm taken." tom lied, internally screaming in fear.

the guy eyed him up and down before scowling. "prude." he turned and stalked off, mumbling drunkenly.

tom whimpered softly, now feeling a million times more vulnerable. he decided he would go find tord and shoved his way through people towards the snack table. then he stopped.

tord had one cup in his hand, the other used to lean against the table to trap a girl there. she had hair dyed blue and was wearing a revealing crop top with short-shorts. they both looked flirty.. and drunk.

tom stood there, mind trying to process what he saw. didn't he say he liked me? i thought he'd been flirting earlier? didn't he kiss me?

tom took a sudden step back as he noticed tord turn around and look at him, the norski's green eyes widening. "tom, hey, uh-" he glanced at the girl and immediately leaned away from her, putting his cup down. "what're you doing?"

the girl looked at tom, raising a pierced eyebrow. she gave him a light smirk.

tom shook his head and gulped. "i think i'm gonna walk home." he forced a smile, even though he had no idea where home was. i'll use my gps.

"wait, i'm-"

tord couldn't finish, as tom had already been walking away.

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