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okay i'm posting two chapters today, one now and one later. i wanna finish before school which starts on monday. i'm absolutely TERRIFIED.

ughhhfkdnm i dont wanna start high school-

tom woke up the next morning to the sound of loud snoring right beside his ear, feeling the weight of an arm draped over his body. he blinked open his eyes and was met with the sight of a window, light spilling all across the room. yawning, he moved tord's arm off him and sat up. i hadn't realized i fell asleep here. tom looked down and realized he was wearing different clothes, face flushing red. he was clad in a black oversized t-shirt that smelled strongly of alcohol and tord's cologne along with, luckily, his own checkered boxers. god, did he change me? he probably got a boner doing it, too. with a roll of his eyes, tom leaned his back against the headboard and grabbed his phone. his lock screen was flooded with texts from matt.

matt: hi!

matt: wanna hang out?

matt: tomtomtomtomtom answer hhddksiwo

matt: tom! where are you??

matt: i came by your house but you aren't here :(

matt: im bored af

matt: are you with tord?

matt: be careful

there were a few missed calls after that. he must've had his phone on silent. tom looked down at his sleeping lover, drool smeared on the side of tord's cheek.

he must've sensed tom was watching him because tord's eyes fluttered open and he yawned obnoxiously.

"morning." tord mumbled sleepily, rubbing his eyes.

"hey." tom greeted. he looked at his phone again and replied-

tom: sorry yeah i was with tord

tom: cant hang out 2day

matt: oh okay

"i don't have work today," tom informed. he stood up, the shirt reaching just above his knees. "do you?"

"mhm. at 4, though." tord sat up. he reached over to his nightstand and grabbed a half empty bottle of beer, taking a long swig.

tom watched him worriedly. "it's only 9:30 in the morning, tord," he spoke, but was ignored in return.

sighing, tom headed for the door that led to the kitchen. "i hope you didn't fuck me in my sleep." he muttered, arms crossed.

"i didn't, eyeless."

tom hunched his shoulders, a scowl on his face. he hated when tord did that: one moment, he was all cuddles and love and happiness. the next, he shot insults at tom, acted all grumpy, and treated him like shit. douche.

tom opened the fridge and noticeably flinched at the horrendous smell of rotten food. he found the source of it after a minute of searching; some half-eaten mac n' cheese that looked to be weeks old. "tord, this is disgusting." tom whined while throwing it out.

tord trudged into the kitchen and dropped his empty bottle into the sink. "don't throw away my stuff. don't act bitchy, either."

"i'm not." he furrowed his eyebrows at tord, frowning.

"yeah, yeah. move." tord pushed tom out of the way of the fridge to grab another bottle of beer.

tom stumbled to the side, catching himself on the counter. he glared at tord but didn't say anything. just yesterday he was protecting me, and now he's shoving me to the side.

as tord walked towards the living room, tom brushed himself off and stormed into tord's room again. he found his own clothes and changed back into them, leaving tord's shirt on the bed.

"i'm going home." tom grabbed his phone and headed to the front door. "you can get drunk on your own."

"fine then." tord rolled his eyes. "i will."

* * * *

tom lied on his sleeping bag, limbs splayed out as he gazed at his ceiling. it was 8:34 pm, almost time for tord to leave work. he was wondering if he should surprise his boyfriend by being there when he got out. after pondering the idea, tom stuck with it, standing up and going over to his rickety old dresser. he changed into a black sweater and blue jeans. quickly brushing his teeth and his hair, tom was done by 8:55. he hummed softly while leaving and walking down the sidewalk towards the cafe.

tom never really realized how unsettling the town was at night until then.

men hung out in alleys, eyeing any girl that walked past and proceeding to whistle and shout at her. people fought viciously outside of bars, using beer bottles or rocks as weapons. loud screaming could be heard from one of the buildings. tom didn't really want to know why.

finally, he neared the cafe, spotting tord outside the doors with a.. girl. she was locking up the doors, giggling as tord seemed to lean in and whisper something into her ear, his nose brushing against her cheek in the process. tom stopped walking towards them. his heart felt heavy as he watched tord pick up her hand and kiss it flirtatiously then walk off in the direction of his house. the girl giggled again and watched him go before happily strolling to her car.

tom held in a whimper, taking a step back as thoughts raced through his mind. was he cheating? he loves me, right? there's no way he likes her! he does love me! he sniffled and grabbed his phone from his pocket, texting matt quickly while simultaneously speed-walking to his apartment.

tom: matt pls come to my apartment

tom: please,,

matt: tom whats wrong????

matt: tom??

matt: i'll be there!

minutes later, tom was at his apartment, sitting on his sleeping bag silently. he jolted up in alarm as matt barged in, instantly at tom's side to hug the smaller male to his chest.

"tom, what happened!? don't be sad!"

tom let himself lean into matt's chest, beginning to sob quietly and hold onto his arms. "wh- why does tord always h- have to flirt with girls?" he sniffed.

a concerned look reached matt's face. "tom, i told you-"

"i love him!" tom interrupted, pulling away and curling into a ball. "b- but he's just so-..." he searched for a word. "i don't know!"

matt sighed. "complicated? yeah." he frowned and ran a hand comfortingly through tom's hair. "he's not a good guy, tom. i told you this."

tom rubbed his eyes, a shaky sigh leaving him. he leaned into matt's chest again and shivered.

"tom.. can i tell you something?" matt murmured.

he nodded.

"i used to date tord."


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