Author's Note

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Vas' Happening ?! ---- btw this is in the future in 2019 and weirdly nothings changed .... ikr " WHERES THE FLYING CARS AND TALKING CATS !!! " ' Melba shut up i am doing an interview ! ' anyway .so X-Factor is back in this book but since its the future they changed the shows events so you just preform every week sorry if you were hoping for the actual stages of the show :*  and I know that niall is  like 5'8" but this is the future where Nialls like 25 so he's like 6'2" okay so if you enjoy this plz like and/or comment suggestions this is my first book soooo Wish me  & Alex good luck →→→ WE'LL NEED IT ♡☆♥★♣:-)♣:-) ;-) :-D

     also song lists are put for the song every week for a month at a time and her audition is on the same week because she was one of the last submissions to enter ---- enjoy!

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