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i was always in front of you,
my dear, i'm here,
so wake up

[his pov]

i smiled to my best friend y/n as she walked in, but she sighed, sitting down next to me and resting her head on my shoulder.

"bad day?" i chuckled.

"i'm tired, and lonely. i want a boyfriend." she mumbled.

i moved and looked at her, plucking up some confidence, "well, i can fulfil the second one, and i'm sure my bed can fulfil the first." i smirked.

she smiled, nodding contentedly, and i slowly leant down, kissing her softly.

"my god, i've wanted to do that for so long." i said and her eyes lit up.


i nodded.

"me too." she smiled and i sighed in relief, leaning in to kiss her again.

she pulled away and snuggled into my chest, as i slipped an arm around her waist and i put on a movie.

she drifted off to sleep after a short while and i smiled fondly at her, chuckling slightly, before picking her up bridal style.

i carried her to my bedroom, laying her down on my bed as she stirred, rubbing her eyes and mumbling an apology.

"don't worry, babe. get changed and get some sleep." i smiled, handing her one on my clean, plain white shirts as i went into the bathroom.

when i returned, she was just in pants and my shirt which was oversized in her, and cuddled up under the duvet.

i got into bed next to her in just boxers and slipped an arm around her waist again, allowing her to sleepily shuffle closer to me and rest her head on my chest.

"good night, babe. sleep well."

"g'night, charlie." she mumbled and i found myself hopelessly grinning at her cuteness.

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