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"I took one look at you and you stole my heart."


Fighting Temptation: Epilogue

7 months later

"I said," I breathed out between harsh kisses placed on my lips roughly, letting out a loud moan as a large cock breached my walls, giving me no time to prepare as it rammed hard and fast into me. "I said I was sorry!" There was no time for me to breathe, all I kept doing was gasping and holding onto those firm shoulders, hoping that he would give me just a little bit of mercy. He growled down at me, nothing but fury in those hazel eyes as his thick erections slammed home once again, his hands gripping my hips tightly. I cried out, wanting him to stop as I couldn't handle it, but I wanted more. He was furious, the various slaps on my ass and the hand around my throat, choking me lightly, doing nothing to deter his rage.

He was keeping me rooted in my very spot so all that I could do in this position was take it all.

The sad part about it was that I couldn't even deny that it was my fault.

Exactly 43 minutes ago. 

We were walking in the mall, trying to do some weekly shopping when a thought occurred to me. "Hey Antonio," I called out, rubbing the vein along his arm as he turned his attention towards me. "Sí?" He raised a brow as he motioned for me to continue. "Did you want to be a doctor or something? Like was it your dream job? Of course, other than becoming a criminal and joining the mafia." I snorted in amusement as he glared at me, rolling his eyes and muttering something in Russian under his breath. "You know, Valentin," He began, tilting his head down at me as he spoke, a pleased smirk on his lips.

"I was never supposed to become a doctor of all things," He began. "In Russia, I never had the passion to do such implements and I was never interested in the medical field, to begin with. That was precisely the reason I did so." He grinned as his eyes twinkled and I stared in confusion, wanting him to elaborate. "It was merely just a facade, an alias for me to go under when I came to Manhattan. I came here at twenty-one and I needed some way of a cover so that I could still have my underground business. No one here really suspects a sweet and caring doctor, do they?" Antonio chuckled darkly and I grimaced in response, wondering how truly sadistic he was. "It was lucky that my uncle found me, wanting me to take on the accusations of all of his crimes, that I took over his role." He wasn't looking at me anymore and his cheeks were stained red.

"Then why didn't you leave?" I questioned. "You didn't have to stay after that."

He veered back over to me, a far distant look in his orbs as he smiled softly. "Like Anton Kozlov always told me, 'you always find it so hard to let things go once you get attached,'" He snickered a bit but there was no humor in it as he shook his head to himself. My heart started to rise, slowly beating in anticipation as I awaited his next words, slightly understanding what he meant. "What does that mean?" Thump. Thump. Thump.

I held my breath as he grabbed my hand, rubbing my palm. "It was you, Valentin," He whispered as he pulled me in closer. "All this time, it's always been you. It was hard for me to let you go  because I always had you to look forward too whenever I came to the hospital every day." He breathed and I snorted in disbelief, willing myself not to tear up like a baby. "That was the most beautiful thing I have ever heard in my life!" I screeched like a madman and Antonio stared at me with a straight face, wondering if he should kill me and throw my body into the nearest lake.

He probably would.

"You always find a way to ruin the mood, don't you Valentin?" Antonio muttered as he walked away, probably trying to find another store to go into. Lol, he was upset, it was funny. "Tony!" I called out, grabbing the many annoyed and creeped out stares of patrons in the mall. "I'm just kidding, come back!" I said as I tried to keep up with him but the man had dangerously long legs. "Cállate!" He snapped as he kept up his long stride, his angry voice causing me to pout deeply as I stopped my pace (Shut up).

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