After school me and Peter walked to my house to hang out. When we got to my house we decided to play some fortnite until he got a text from his aunt may. He went to the other room to call her when a robbery was reported on the news near my house. Peter came back in the room and said "what did I miss. " I said "there was a robbery that was stoped by Spiderman near my house." "I gotta go" he replied. You start to get suspicious. The next day at school I followed him every where he went even when he went to the bathroom. After school I was walking home disappointed that I didn't find anything weird about him. Suddenly a man had a gun to my back. He told me to give him all of my money. Suddenly I was saved by spideman. Grabbed him by the arm and pulled off his mask . "Peter?" I said suprised.
End of Part 3(Hey guys its Carter Ashlyn's cousin make sure you check out her stories they are very good its called Tom Holland one shorts. Why are you still reading this go check it out)
My best friend Peter Parker
Historia CortaBtw my cousin wrote this I told him about it and he wanted to write one 😂😂im really glad he likes the app