Pete's Pasta

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Hi, people! I'm not allowed to use Wattpad anymore, but I'm going to use Wattpad anyway. Updates might take longer. They might not. I don't know what's going to happen. If I stop updating out of nowhere, then I got caught. So sorry in advance if that happens. On with the story!


I actually don't know where to eat. I can go somewhere fancy, but I know Katie wouldn't really like that. She would pretend to like it, but she wouldn't. 

I just got an idea. It's an outdoor place. The food is like Olive Garden's. The whole thing is outside, even the kitchen. I have no idea what they do in rain. Maybe they put up those tent things. You know them? The ones tha-

Katie interrupted my thoughts by saying, "You just got an idea. What happened to I know the perfect place?"

"That was supposed to be my internal monologue."

"Well, you said it out loud."

"So, what do you think about the restaurant?"

"I've never been there. I think it'll be fine."

Once we got there, we chose a table and a teenage boy around our age came up to our table and asked, "Drinks?"

Katie replied, "We'll both have water," before I could say Coke. A look of protest came over my face.

The waiter guy said, "This guy looks like he doesn't want water."

I say, "Thank you!"

Then Katie says, "Remember last time you had Coke after 7?"

Oh, no. She remembered what happened oh so long ago. Basically, I act, sorry, I used to act like I got a caffeine over load when I try to sleep up to 5 hours after I drink any type of soda.

I exclaim, "That was so long ago!"

"Travis, that was last week."

"I've changed since then."

"The only thing that's changed is that now you have a girlfriend."

The waiter guy was stupid enough to say, "I'm gonna go with what the girlfriend is saying." Then he turns and leaves.

I call, "Seriously?!?" after him. I can just tell he rolled his eyes when he heard me. I turn to Katie, "Kit-Kat! Why?"

"Heh. You know why."

"That was a one time thing," I say even though I know it's not true.

"It's happened 23 times. . . this summer."

"You've been stalking me?"

"No! Well. . .maybe?" I raised an eyebrow. "Okay. Fine, Travis. I have been quarter-stalking you for around 5 years."

"What the heck? And what's 'quarter-stalking'?"

"It's when I talk notice of the little things. It's not like I knew where you were at 4:30 on June 7, 2016, but knowing you, that time and date, and your schedule that year, it was probably the Pegasus stables or in the air flying the Pegasi."

"You are really creepy, but I find it strangely attractive."

"The fact that you think it's attractive is creepier than the fact that I knew where you were at that time and date."

"No, it's not."

"Yes, it is."










"You fell for that trick?"

"I didn't."

"Yes," you did.


"I'm not doing that again."

"You will."

"Not do it."

"I completed that sentence. You don't get to add on to it."

"Well, I just did."

After that the date was pretty boring.


I am horrible at dates. Sorry I cut it off and that I haven't updated in forever. Bye.


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