The Apocalypse

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LIZA LIZA !! Run , run as fast as you can run the hell out of here . Her mother screamed her lungs out. Liza grabbed Jacob's hand and they both run as fast as they can from the monsters. Monsters who are infected by an unknown poison , who are no more human , they have turned black with there eyes red in colour although few have blue colour pupil's. They both ranned as fast as they can . She rubbed her eyes as her eye sight started to become blurry after seeing her mother attacked by monsters infront of her. She screamed seeing her mother transforming into one of those creatures. Jacob hold me tightly closed to his chest while running and fighting with those monster on the other hand. After running for almost 20 mins they atlast discovered a ray of hope , a vehicle filled with the survivor's left. Jacob pushed Liza into the back seat of the car . After assuring that Liza is safe in the car he shoot the monster with the last bullet left and grabbed the door of the car . The driver started the car , a bunch of people survived except one , Jacob. His eyes stared to turn blue , his face turned into the colour of his hair. He started to scream with pain. He knew that he is one of that kind now. He loosened his grip , glancing his love of life a last time and felled onto the running road. Liza screamed her lungs out. Slowly her eye sight started to become blurry , she became unconscious after glancing Jacob last time.
Writer's POV
I'm not a professional writer so it may content some gramitical mistakes.
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From next chapter onwards the story of Liza gonna start.
'I' ( Liza)

POISON PART 1Where stories live. Discover now