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"TIME TO SURVIVE" , a tall muscular man with hazel brown eyes shouted his lungs out. He was repeating those words again and again. I feel like someone is trying to poke my ears with a needle. I searched for Miranda , but she was no where to be found. Not knowing what to do , I just followed all the girls. I took the shower after waiting in a long queue  that litterly freaked me out. I dressed my self and again started following all the girls all way long till I reached to the ground called as 'R15'. We were almost 20-30 girls. I discovered Miranda there,talking to master Zoe. She waved at me and gave me the signal to wait. I analysed the ground , this ground was gigantic protected with fences. Those fences looked like electric one. The lecture started. "Dear student, let me remind you onces again everything. We are here to find the Antagonist. I'm master Zoe and I'm your trainer." The training started , all the children's were guided by master Zoe toward a huge  table filled with weapons. " This weapons will help you to survive alone out there. As you know you just have to escape them and have to kill only few of them , bullets would last long.  All the survivor's were given weapons of same kind. They called it as M10. We were told to shout on the target board . Accordingly we were scored. It seems like everyone was a professional shooter except me. Jacob used to has his own weapon but he never let me touch it. So yup, I have to practice a lot. After 2 hours of shooting, I scored 3/10. The training ended. While going back to our bed for a short break. Miranda told me the actual plan of the training. We have to attend training of shooting under guidance of Zoe everyday . What's worse is that the survivor who scores below 5 had to spend more hours in training and have to do extra work out. "Sounds bad , isn't ?" said Miranda. "It's fucking bad" I whispered.  The break got over and here comes our second training. How to poison them. Poisioning the Cinder's and the Xensors . This lec looks quite interesting said my tired mind. I entered a hall called as "R38" The training was under the guidance of Mistress Erica. Her hair were scarlet in colour so were her eyes. Her look was venemous. LECTURE STARTED. " Good evening, dear survivor's. We are here to scientia(to know)  some posionous portion. So , that you can stop the Xensors and Cinder's for a while and escape. Poisonous portion are not poisonous for all. It means some may die due to the portion. Cases of Cinder's of Xensors being dead due to portion are very rear. Thr portion depends on the owner.  You're Powerful , so is your portion. So let's come to the point. Portions are of 5 types. 1. Unconscious portion 2. Sleep portion 3. Smoke Portion  4. Death portion. 5. Healing portion. All of these 5 are the only reamings . There used to be 50 different portions but the irrigidents were mysteriously  destroyed. Only 5 were left. Let me tell you the working and there duration. The unconscious portion will make the Cinder's and the Xensors unconscious for a while . That doesn't mean they can't harm you. They will still walk but the speed will be much low because they will walk in an unconscious way . That may help you to escape. Second the sleep portion is much more effective. It will make them sleep . The duration of sleep depends on the Cinder's and the Xensors. Smoke Portion , it will make the surrounding smoky for 15 mins .
Fourth death portion , it may kill them but it depends on you how powerful you are. Try to avoid using these portion as much as you can. Fifth , heal portion, these one is for you. The healing portion is very limited in proportion. So try to avoid injuries as much as you. So first I'm gonna teach you how to make unconscious portion .  Before that , let me tell you . All these portion are in the gaseous form except the healing one. As a result the gaseous portions are in grenade form. Let's start. " said Miss Erica strictly. We were told to mix 3 mix liquid in a container. The liquid names were. Meth , Gin , Cyn. I mixed it up or you say messed it up . We were told to mix them in order but I did in other way round. Whatsoever, it's my first time. Mistakes are accepted. After 1 hour of my struggle with that freaking portion. I made it. It was heated up more than 1000 celicus I guess . They even added one more liquid . We don't know about. The training was ended . We were back in our room's . Skipping my dinner for the second time , I lay down on the hard bed . Tears rolling my eyes. His memories flashed against my eyes and I slept .
Writer's POV
Sorry for gramitical mistakes. Trying my level best. Hope you love it.
Love love 💖

POISON PART 1Where stories live. Discover now