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   Marik stood there waiting for us, "long time no see Yami" There was a wicked smile curling up and I doubt it was the good Marik.
  "How are you back Marik?" Joeys voice was shaking but I couldn't tell how. The last time we saw him he was banished to the shadow realm but that was destroyed.
  "Wait guys we destroyed the shadow realm I feel so stupid. Remember in Egypt." Tristan had a point we did so Bakura lied to us which now we have no idea how him or Marik are back.
  "Finally you catch on" Bakura walks up next to Marik.
  "We were too worried about to kick your butt again to care about the details." For the first time in a long time we stood together side by side facing evil.
  "Yeah what Tristan said."
  All Bakura did was shrug. I wonder if I could reach Yugi and Atem at the same time. Wouldn't hurt to try.
Ya: Hey guys can you hear me.
Yu: Loud and clear hi Atem.
At: Hi Yugi whats going on every thing ok?
Yu: yeah Yami what's up
Ya: Atem help me please Yugi i cant let you go through with this. Not with Marik here.
At: wait mariks here too?
Ya: yeah please Yugi don't.
Yu: i have to Yami shake him up.
Ya & at: fine
Yu: ok we have to go Yami you better get me out after this.
Ya: always.
Yugis pov
  The feeling I had facing Atem was nothing compared to this I had faith in my friends I had faith this was the right thing to do but I wanted to back off. I drew my hand me and yugi built this deck for this duel it was a dark magician deck and the first card in my hand was dark magician along with magic cylinder final destiny I got from gramps kuriboh and dark magic curtain. I took a deep breath letting Bakura go first he Summons electric lizard I know better than to attack it but I need to get it out of the way. I draw silent swordsman level 3 and summon him in attack position ending my turn. I hope this works.
  Next turn I will use dark magic curtain and summon the the one in my deck.
  "I end my turn"
  Bakura draws and summons goblin zombie. Perfect now if I can only draw enemy controller. "Yugi you messed up."
  "All apart of my plan Bakura all apart of my plan." I smirk and look back at the gang everyone stiff.
  Yami tell them I'm fine.
  How Yugi he hasn't made this a shadow game? It's only a matter of time Yugi.
  I know but I got this.
  Ok Yugi.
  "Earth to Yugi. I believe it was your turn." My silent swordsman was gone but thats ok. I draw and laugh i drew enemy controller perfect. I have 3900 life points left and pay half of them to summon my Dark Magician. I hear them wince. I am suppose to be throwing this.
  "Come on Yugi you got this." Thank you Teá.
  I nod my head and set a card. "DARK MAGICIAN ATTACK HIS ELECTRIC KID." he had no set cards on the field. Why?
  "What was the point Yugi now you can't attack next turn?"
  "No Tristan I cant attack with dark magician next turn. That was the point to get it out of the way." I look dead on focusing on this duel I'm suppose to be throwing this I have 1950 bakura has 2350 I'm doing my job.
  "Yugi this was a bad move."
  "No thats where you're wrong Bakura."
  "Ok prove it then."
  "My turn" I draw that card doesnt matter and i summon kuriboh.
  "Why?" Everyone shouted.
  "Guys please just trust me. I activate enemy controller and tribute my kuriboh to take control of your zombie goblin and attack you directly."
  I end my turn. He sets a card and does the same. I draw. I dont attack or summon i let everything play out acting like i can't but im letting him get the letters out....
  He pulled out the shadows out last minute. I let this happen he could have won there was only one set back and now he's gone.
  "Yugi" we all scream.
  "Yami," Bakura laughed "you wont get him back its time for the truth. I was left roaming the world and created a new shadow game. This time I'm in control. Dont worry about getting Yugi out I wont let him out this time." I look over at his duel disk and deck I have to fight for him.
  "Duel me," he puts a finger over my mouth.
  "I dont think so I want a shot at wheeler. Or maybe Tristan maybe Teá."
  What can I do? Joey stepped up. "Ill do it," no joey don't.
  One by one they all lost their souls I was alone once again. He pulls out Atem and I remember I still have him my other half.
  "Last chance Yami or I take him."
  "Ok Ill duel you but if i win i get them back and you dont fight anymore."
  "No deal." He takes Atem and I drop to the ground anger guilt everything i failed them all I failed Yugi.
  I look notice their cards were still on the field. "You cheater you didnt play that last letter. You took his soul and he still has life points left let them out all of them NOW! "
  "Fine" they regain consciousness and I'm relieved. Then i take a card out of my pocket and throw it at Bakura another at Marik no more duels not another chance to lose someone I love . We all walk out relieved.
  "Teá," she runs up to me after we walk out and jumps on me.
  "Its over its actually over how?"
  "He cheated Yugi and had other decks i thought he started fresh but didn't i got yall back because he cheated."
  "Thank you Yami," I smile and nod so ready to get out of here.
Bakura and marik are dead. Yugi got cheated and no one noticed but thats ok its over or is it. Anger took Yami over and he turned to a hidden weapon literally. Thank you guys so much for reading with my weird updates I have so much going on that they all seem like excuses but yeah my life is chaos. But anyways this isnt the end of the story I am doing a high school police academy starting Monday so I probably wont post anything next week and on top of that I'm packing to move but when I get time there will be a new chapter up.

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