30 [Final]

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Heavy steps keep stepping backwards and forwards repeatedly as Junhoe way too nervous to ring the doorbell of the girl's house.

He can't stop overthinking about what will happen if he ring the doorbell since Bona already warned him about coming at her house.

Junhoe arrived in Seoul the next day at 2:45 pm and directly hopped on an empty cab in front of the airport and went straight to Bona's house.

He's been there for almost 2 and half hours now. Still scared to ring it. He keep on staring at his phone for the times. After a lot of negative thoughts, he decided to stay outside of Bona's house till she come out.

Bona still on her bed, woke up about hours ago but decided not to make any movement. Just both of her eyes blinking and keep staring up to the white ceiling.

She took a deep breath and let out with a loud sigh.

In her head, she keep thinking all night about Junhoe till she fall asleep. Glad enough that she finally fall asleep even just for 3 hours. And she didn't even sleepy anymore.

But she forced herself to sleep more because she doesn't feel like to wake up yet. After endlessly blinking and staring into space, she finally got her ass up from the bed.

Staring the empty side on the bed, she sighed again before walked to the bathroom.

She already miss Junhoe. As soon as she standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom, she look at their toothbrushes. Bona miss him, but also upset with him.

Bona grabbed Junhoe's toothbrush and throw it in the bin under the sink.

Without wasting so much time, she wash her face and brush her teeth. All done and she wipe her face with a clean towel.

Staring into the mirror for quite awhile before she stepped out the bathroom. But she twisted her heels back to the bathroom and took his toothbrush back and wash it before put it back into the glass.

"I hate you." She groaned and walked out to get changed. She wear a black shorts with a white oversized plain t-shirt.

She headed to the kitchen and grabbed a carton of milk from the fridge, and a glass from upper cabinet.

Put both milk and glass on the island before she sat down on the chair. She grabbed a bowl and a spoon from her left, she turned to her right to grab a box of cereal.

A breakfast at 2 pm not that bad right?

She having her breakfast while scrolling down her phone screen. But then she saw someone outside her gate. She quickly run to the front door and take a look at the strange person outside her house.

But then she pulled a long face when she noticed that Junhoe who's keep walking in front of her house. She pulled her phone up and text him.

To: hoe

go away

And sent.

She saw Junhoe take a look at his phone and sighed before he turned to her house, stares at every windows if he can see Bona.

But no, he didn't see her. She's been hiding behind the wall.

From: hoe

babe i'm sorry, pls

Her lips curved a little when she saw his reply with a cute crying face.

She shake her heads and left him on read. She went back to the kitchen to finish her cereal. A while later, Junhoe finally rang the doorbell which made Bona startled.

fuck off + junhoe Where stories live. Discover now