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Hi there Player One! You are now responsible of this poor human named Jeon Jungkook! Please take care of him! You can also click up here to have some atmospheric music to go with the story! Oh and please, when you have finished the game, please don't spoil it for the new players– your robotic guide Chummy

Hi there Player One! You are now responsible of this poor human named Jeon Jungkook! Please take care of him! You can also click up here to have some atmospheric music to go with the story! Oh and please, when you have finished the game, please do...

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The once lively classroom was filled with nothing but a few desks, some broken, some fallen down. It was filthy, specks of dirt floated around for no one to be annoyed at. No human really came to school anymore- and no one was so stupid to roam around in the abandoned school that was on war grounds. Except for this one boy. Well- he wasn't exactly roaming around. He was sleeping, his face buried in his arms that were sprawled on his little desk. His drool had been slipping out of his mouth until a small puddle had formed, which was kind of gross but anyway-

The boy aka Jeon Jungkook woke up after hearing a door being slammed down nearby. He slowly blinked his eyes in confusion as he lifted his head out of his arms. With a sudden realization he remembered how his eyes had been drooping ever since geography class had started. Damnit! He had fallen asleep once again! Mister Young would surely scold him for sleeping in his class- something he always did in his classes.

But wait a minute-

The boy realized no one was talking. He didn't even hear the ticking of the annoying clock that was always present in the classroom. He finally opened his eyes for real and they widened when he realized the reason for that silence was the fact that no one was around!

"W-What?", he whispered, "I- Is school finished already? But what happened here? This isn't my class!?"

His usual classroom had changed into one he didn't even recognize anymore. It seemed like a storm had raged inside, taking all the other students and furniture away with it until only he and some lonely desks were left. And he had just slept through it...

"Dang, I knew I was a deep sleeper but this is ridiculous", Jungkook spoke out, nervously running a hand through his raven hair.

The boy almost fell out of his chair, barely clutching onto the wooden desk in fear when he heard the small but loud explosion coming from somewhere inside of the school. With wide eyes he stared at the closed wooden door that had trembled along with the explosion. Even though the noise had scared him out of his wits, he was quite curious to see what was going on.

Should he go out and check out the loud noise? ⇒ GO TO PART 2a

Or should he stay in the classroom and explore here a bit? ⇒ GO TO PART 2b

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