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The clock was ticking by slowly. Every second felt like minutes to the class as the teacher carried on about something none of them cared about. Awsten was sat at his desk as he twirled his pencil between his fingers, looking at the door as he waited for the bell to ring. 

He felt like he was in High School Musical, when everyone was waiting for the first day of summer to begin. Awsten looked back at his friends, who were all sat with their hands on their notebooks and pens, ready to throw them in their bags at any second. 

"Before you all leave for a week, I'd like to say I'm very happy to have known you all. Some have caused me more trouble than others," The teacher says, looking at Jawn and Awsten, "But regardless, I have thoroughly enjoyed this year. I will see you all at graduation!" he says before the bell rings. 

Awsten grabs his stuff and quickly stands up almost falling from how quick he was. He walks over to Jawn and Otto, both who give him a bro hug and walk out of the room. 

"We're fucking done, dude!" Otto cheers, pumping his fists. 

"We still have to walk across the stage and get out diplomas, but hell yeah!" Jawn laughs. 

Awsten nearly falls over when he feels a weight on his back. He heard giggling in his ear and rolled his eyes, quickly adjusting his friend so his arms were comfortable. 

"Onward, hoe!" Geoff yells, making the underclassmen look at them strangely. 

"Get the hell off me," Awsten says, throwing Geoff onto the floor. 

Geoff groaned and stood back up. He groaned again when he saw Otto and Grace kissing, covering his face. The two were smiling, happy to finally spend more time together since summer has begun and high school is over. 

"My eyes! My poor, innocent eyes!" He says, Awsten shoving him. 

"You're just jealous cause you can't get anyone, rat." Grace says, sticking her tongue out. 

Geoff pouted and Awsten laughed when he saw him cross his arms like a toddler throwing a tantrum. 

"I so can! I just... don't have the motivation to do it," Geoff says. 

"Sure Jan," Jawn says, walking with the rest of them after grabbing his last few things from his locker. 

The group walked outside to Geoff's car and all got in. Jawn was in the back with Otto and Grace and Awsten and Geoff were in front. Geoff pulled out of the school parking lot and drove them all to The Cube, which is a little ice cream place they like to go to. Awsten grabbed Geoff's phone and smiled when seeing the lock screen. 

It was when they were in a Starbucks and Geoff was just staring at Awsten as he sipped his tea. It was something that they thought would be a meme, but never became one. Awsten went to Geoff's Spotify and plugged in the aux, putting on some music. They all drove, Otto, Geoff, and Awsten singing like maniacs and Grace and Jawn shaking their heads in disapproval. 

Once the group arrived, they all piled out of the car and found their usual booth inside. Awsten went to get everyone ice cream, as he knew all of the orders. He was the one in the group who just knew what everyone liked and how they all are. Of course, he was too modest to say it, but he really is the glue that holds them all together. 

Once he had all five cups, he struggled to take them back to the table without dropping one, so Geoff helped. They sat down and all talked about how happy they were that school was over. 

It has been a long year for them all. Geoff was on the verge of dropping out, but so is everyone else when they're about to graduate. If it wasn't for the group, he would have done it and regretted it later in the future. Awsten was trying to fix some of his grades that had dropped significantly, Jawn was trying to find the best college for photography. Otto didn't really know what he wanted to do, but Grace was leaning towards being a nurse. Most of them had managed to get everything together before the end of the year. 

"So," Geoff says after swallowing another bite of ice cream, "Who do you like Awsten? You never tell us." 

Awsten rolls his eyes and shakes his head. 

"You already know my answer. It's no one," Awsten laughs. 

Geoff groans and just eats his ice cream, listening to Otto and Grace ague about some movie coming out. 

Jawn looks over at Awsten and gives him a knowing look. The blue haired boy just looked down and kept meshing everything in his cup together.

Awsten never really plans on telling Geoff who he likes, because if he does, he's scared that something will happen between them. Until whatever happens, he's fine with just sitting with his friends and eating their ice cream. 

I Think With My Heart: GawstenWhere stories live. Discover now