It wAS the wedding day and you were very happy because you are with the love of ur life, ToNy StarK. He loved you so much and loved mexican food. You decided to invite ur best friend, sarina comella. She was thicc and gucci, she was married to a man named Jesus. Jesus was nice but he was kind of not to. It was finaly ur moment and ur vows where:
Tony, I luv you more than i love enchiladas and through this time i always felt like i deseved you but now that i realize how gucci you are i h=must object our marrege. Instead i must marry the man who is just mt type, Vision.
Everyone was very shookith and Vision was flattered. Vision got up and started to jiggle ur butternut squash and it was hot. You touched his cucumberbatch and you were happy. but vision loved you, but he did not. He couldent accept someone like you. So you decided to part ways after the wedding, but in that moment you realized that the perfect person for you, you looked up at the crowd of shooketh ppl, and picked out the women best for you, Aunt May. You Jumped into her arms and marryed her that day and raised a kid named peter. As you grabbed aunt mays garbanzo bean you decided to mutter one last Sentance "FOR THE LOVE OF STARK JUST KISS ME ALREADY!!!!!"
I Hope you were able to get a laugh out of my story!, Once again this is satire and meant to be taken as a joke!
tonY x readeR
PoetryYou are a Gucci kid who is gucci ANd meets the love of ur life!!!!!! This book is a joke and so is this account, pls dont get triggered!! most characters owned by marvel