Chapter 4 slap
Paige’s p.o.v
I woke up not remembering where I was until I turned to see my wonderful boyfriend lying next to me then I remembered I am living with the Cullen’s now. I got up and went down without even realising it was 4:00am every one was up though Esme asked me what I wanted for breakfast I said I would like a piece of toast then while I was waiting I went over to Alice and asked her if there was any cloths I could borrow .
Alice told me to follow her up stairs to her room when I walked in this wonderful scent of roses hit me in the face her room was beautiful it had two floors on the bottom there was a lounge room and study and upstairs there was a bed and 3 massive walk in cupboards one for Alice one for jasper and one for the family there was different sections one for each member including me. Alice picked me out a pair of black skinny jeans and a white singlet with a pink shirt attached and a massive pink hoodie I love baggy clothing it keeps me warm. Alice also gave me a pair of black vans then she showed me where the bathroom was in mine and Oliver’s room it was huge and it had different shades of green. Then I told Alice my favourite colour was green then she told me that Oliver and I are very alike.
Alice left the room and shut the bathroom door behind her then I found a towel and placed it on the towel rack and put my clothes on the counter top. I walked over to the shower and it did not have any tap handles just buttons so I pressed on and this massive rainfall shower head came on I decided to wash my hair so I went to the counter to and found something it was a leaf green envelop with my name on it so I opened it. A piece of paper came out it said where I could find stuff and it lead me to my very own stash of hair and makeup products I grabbed the first bottle of shampoo and conditioner I could find and placed it on the shelf in the shower then I got undressed and put my clothes in a pile on the floor and then hopped in the shower the water was set to just the right temperature. After I was finished in the shower I got dressed and did my makeup then I called for Rosalie to see if she could do my hair. Rosalie was next to me in seconds asking me what I wanted done to my hair I asked if she could do a braid.
After Rosalie did my hair I went down stairs for my breakfast I ate then hopped up and walked over to Oliver and then we went up to our room because he said he had a surprise for me I was so excited that I tripped over the first step I would’ve fell flat on my face if it wasn’t for Emmet who picked me up and throw me five meters in the air only to catch me bridle style when I fell down.
Emmet put me back on my feet I was a little dizzy so Oliver put me on the back and ran up to our in seconds h sat me on the couch and walked into his closet and grabbed a massive box.
He laid the box on the floor in front of me and told me to open it in the box there was an I phone 6 which wasn’t even out yet I asked him how did he get it and he replied I know people. I reached back into the box and there was a bag with books and pens in it he told me I would need it for school and that my father burnt all my other stuff. But wait there was something else in the box two thing actually there was a laptop and a charger for my phone and laptop. I turned to Oliver and hugged him and gave him a kiss then we both hand in hand went down stairs with our stuff ready to leave for school then we were off I went in Alice’s car with her Oliver Jasper and I and Rosalie Emmet Bella and Edward went in Bella’s car. When we pulled up into the school car park all eyes were on us we walked up and went to sit in the cafeteria we sat at our usual table then some boy called Brett came up and kissed me on the cheek I got up and bitch slapped him across the face I then turned around to see my new brothers and sisters cracking up I went to sit down and Emmet gave me a high five and I laughed and said that better of hurt that kid.
First period started and the day was finished in what felt like seconds I know I know the day was more like hours but all I could think of is my father coming to hurt me.
When we got home jasper asked me why I was so worried all day I told him the truth and he told me that I was safe here and that my father and mother can’t hurt me any more Carlisle then called me to come to his office for a check-up I walked in and he told me to have a seat I sat down and he asked me a few questions and then he said I was free to go. I went to Oliver’s and I’s room to find it had been redecorated and I had my own closet yay and a study area.
i know i know it is short sorry guys i will do more tomorrow
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