Chapter 7 visit from the voltoiri
Paige’s p.o.v
Yay today I am driving my new car to school cant not wait but first this morning Edward Bella Rosalie Emmet Alice Jasper Carlisle Esme Renesmee Oliver and I are going hunting when we all were out of the house we split up and all went our own ways except for Renesmee and Bella they went together because Renesmee can’t run to far because she gets puffed. I went straight to a mountain lion and drank it all I was full but I decided it wouldn’t hurt to drink a rabbit so I drunk the rabbit and then went to find Oliver he was drinking a bear he looked so happy to be killing that bear. I wondered what it was that made him look so happy then I asked and he told me he was happy to see me not the bear after he finished we went home.
When we got home we went for a shower he washed my hair for me because somehow I got blood in it then I washed his for no reason than we hopped out to get dressed I put my clothes on did my make up even though I did not need to because I already looked flawless then I went down stairs and asked rose if she wanted to do my hair like always she did and she put it in a down style with a plat on the side it looked amazing it went with the clothes I was wearing. It was soon tine to go Alice Jasper Renesmee Oliver and I all went in my car and Emmet Jacob Bella and Edward went with Rosalie in her car. I loved driving my new car to school because it was so smooth and silent on the road when we were pulling into the car park all the eyes turned to look at my car I pulled in to Edwards normal spot and shut off the car and hopped out Oliver came to my side and held my hand and then the whole family walked up to the school together and went and sat in the cafeteria wile Jake and Renesmee ate their breakfast we were all talking when Alice suddenly got a vision for some reason I could see it in my head to it was the voltoiri coming to take Renesmee then it finished and Edward asked Alice what she saw and Alice said she saw the voltoiri coming and then the vision finished and then I said I saw it to but I saw the voltoiri taking Renesmee away then all eyes were on me astounded of what they just herd then I said I must be able to read Alice’s mind but only Alice’s for some reason the bell went then we all went to class first I had geography with miss white Emmet Edward Bella and Jasper where in the same class also when we went in we all sat together and said oh what another Cullen then I asked why that was a problem and she simply said that we are the most annoying people and that she down right hated us. I told my brothers and sisters to watch to board with my power to move things I slammed the door shut then opened it again then I picked up a piece on chalk and wrote I will kill you and all of your family while I was doing it the teacher was looking at the board scared as he as well was the rest of the class it was so funny the teacher ran out of the room crying 20 minutes passed then the bell rang and we went to our next class I had trig with Mr Myer I sat down next to Oliver and talked to him about how I got the teacher because she dissed our family and he laughed but not loud enough for the human ear to hear.
At lunch all we were talking about was the voltoiri and how we are going to defend our self’s against them I said we should tell Carlisle as soon as we get home and everyone agreed so when the bell went we all went to our final class for today Oliver and I had gym so we just skipped and went out to my car and sat in their for a while after 30 minutes we hopped back out of the car and waited for our siblings to come join us the bell went and in seconds there was kids running out of the school building and into the car park they came straight to my car and crowed around it soon everyone was in the car and we sped off home we all went straight in and sat down while Alice went to get Carlisle and Esme within seconds they were here and Alice started talking about the voltoiri she said they will be here when the snow sticks to the ground that gave us five days to get ready Jake said he will assemble the pack and they will join us for the fight the pack was huge now about 100 of them plus we had our family in Denali who had a bigger coven now they had ten they arranged to be here tomorrow morning and we will start practising when they got here we greeted them we went straight outside to share our talents peter was first he was Denali and he had the talent of elements.
It was amazing he could make a tornado come from nowhere next was Kate she had the talent of electricity. Then Taylor was next she had the talent of blinding she could do it to the whole group of us except for Bella because she was a shield next was me first I showed them how I could move thing with my mind I picked up a rock then threw it out in to the ocean then they all clapped then I said I could do more I teleported to over next to Kate then up to the roof of the house then back down to where I stood in front of every on they all clapped again and then I showed them my power of pain what I did not realise is that I could do it to a whole group within my vision. I stopped then I was like omg did I do that I said sorry then Carlisle said we would win this easily my power only worked on who I wanted it to work on I realised.
After days of practise we all went to the baseball field to wait for the voltoiri it was not long before I saw them walking over to us then I heard the pack assemble behind us then Edward said to all of us that aro is scared and we all laughed. Soon they were just 20 meters away from us are started talking and he was saying that he wanted Renesmee and this time I will get her if it means a fight then I saw Alice’s vision everyone was there including the wolf pack we were standing around a massive pile of dead vampires burring to the ground then vision was over then Aro saw me and he realised he had not seen me before then he shrugged his shoulders and the whole voltoiri started running towards us I put them all in pain while I was doing that I picked Aro up and ripped him in to 50 pieces I was so fun.
About an hour late the whole voltoiri guard was dead now we had to pile the up and burn them with my power I piled them all up in seconds and said pay backs a bitch and all the wolf pack and my family started laughing peter then shot a fire ball at the pile that used to be the voltoiri.