A 16 year old girl named eve has no choice but to go into a realm full of vampires, wovles, witches, and etc she meets a boy that calms her and gets into a lot of trouble
Eve pov What do you mean by vampires. "well" jimin sits down and says" you see me and jungkook are vampires, but all of us have a special power." I was really confused cause since when did vampires have special powers? "like the guy jungkook who saved Taeyung's life and mine he is a vampire who has ice powers same with the fire chick." i cut Jimin off and said "oh makes sense but......WHERE AM I!"
Taeyung then comes up to me and grabs my hand "first we need to get you some clothes that girls wear at this area." Me , jimin , and even jungkook comes with me. We go out and stop at a store I picked out some dresses, and I always dreamed of me being a princess wearing these clothes.
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We buy these shoes and the dress. I start to walk with them to a other store. When I stepped in everyone was staring at me. A worker goes up to Jimin, and ask if he was claiming a girl again. Jimin nodded his head yes and the man handed Me a drink. "here drink it." He said it in such a grumpy tone and the stuff looked funny. "I am not drinking anything from this werid looking place."
He gave me a mean look in return to my words. "I don't take drinks that random people hand out." I said to him as I was about to leave.
Jimin pov "Ughhh you stupid little girl drink it!" She was getting on my nerves why does she have to be so difficult. "NO I WILL NOT DRINK IT!" Once she yelled those words I grab her by the neck, and held her up by her neck. My grip tighten as my nails sink into her skin. "don't you EVER YELL AT ME!"
My eyes turn red and I growled at her. I drop her down on the ground as I watch her cough and struggling to catch her breath. I grab the drink from the man, and I tell her to stand up. She did and I take the drink in my mouth holding it there. Her lips look so good. I walk up to her she keeps her head down, but I grab her chin and pull it up.
I don't Know if it was the potion, or what but she tasted so sweet. I countied to french kiss her to get the drink inside of her mouth. She takes it all in, and falls on the ground. We take her in a room, and make a special tattoo on her wrist.
We then carry her back to her room and let her rest there I once she wakes up she can never leave me
Eve pov I wake up in the same beautiful bedroom again. I decided to take my shoes of, and escape from this place. When I open the door the girl that was crazy, and almost kill jimin and Taeyung was right in front of me. She was really close, so i step back to make sure she doesn't do anything crazy to me. She starts to speak "Hi my name is Dahyun sorry about what happened yesterday I can get carried away with my powers."" Especially when I am mad." She seemed way sweeter then before so I will give her a chance.
I told her everything was ok, and that I would probably do the same too. "why did you come here?" she looked at me like I was stupid "well it's morning and you do need food, so I am gonna take you out for breakfast." Breakfast? I wonder what vampires have for breakfast, as I was starting to doze of she says something that's gets my attention. "and also a little cousin of mine well 2 of them they are twins one boy and one girl." "OH MY GOD TWINS!!"
My eyes sparkles as I grab her hands. "I love twins Dahyun!" She laughs at me "but watch out for them they are evil, and love to play jokes." I nod my head yes I love little kids, and they are so fun to play with. I go get my shoes and put them on. We go in the living room and we see the two cute little twins. They introduce them selves in a polite way.
I then also introduce myself to them too, and we walk to the front doors and leave. We see Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung waiting for us at the gates. "We're coming too." Jimin looks straight at dahyun when he said those words. For some Reas right when they sall the twins there faces changed.
"WHY ARE THOSE KIDS HERE!" They all yelled at the same at the same time. "I gotta watch them dumbass." Dayhun said to them with a irritatin voice .They didn't like the reason but jungkook just sign and we started walking. We get to the restaurant, and all of us take are seats. Jimin was sitting to the left of me. Dahyun was sitting to the right of me, and I was sitting in front of jungkook. While taeyung was sitting next to jungkook. Same with the twins we all get are orders ,and start talking to each other. Jungkook pov I ask Dahyun why she was trying to roast jimin and taeyung yesterday. I could see her face turning red, and Taeyung slowly moves down behind the table. Dahyun took a few breaths "Because he came in on me while changing clothes!!" "oohh sorry to bring it up." "it's ok." Dayhun says as see glares at taehyung. I then go to jimin and ask him wear did you find eve. Jimin pov I found her in the woods she was hurt, so I took her and now she is my belonging. Eve pov "WAIT YOUR WHAT?!?? I BELONG TO NO ONE!" He cut me off before I could say anything. ""look at your wrist." I look down at my left wrist, and there was this tattoo on me.
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He then grabbed it "as long as this is on you your not going anywhere."