A 16 year old girl named eve has no choice but to go into a realm full of vampires, wovles, witches, and etc she meets a boy that calms her and gets into a lot of trouble
Jimin's pov As I say those words I slowly close the gap between us. I brush my fingers against her warm soft skin on her face. Then trail them down to her neck. It's so warm and soothing to the touch. I brush my lips against her neck trying to find where I wanted to bite. Once I found it I kissed her neck a few times. Surprisingly she didn't wake up but before I could bite.
I should drain her energy. I then go for her lips and kiss. she started to wake up but then quickly pass out. I'm taking her energy so when I bite her she won't scream and wake everyone up. I took one good last look at her neck and I bit into it enjoying the taste and feeling of it. Feeling it go down my throat and into my body. While was making a mess all over the place, but I couldn't care any less. I lick up all the blood on her neck and leave her there.
Eve's pov I woke up feeling weak and light headed. Tried to sit up but I couldn't. Just fell right back down. I close my eyes trying to get more rest, but then my door bust open from a blast of ice. looking at the door I see a ball of flames coming towards me. It hits right next to my FACE. Then I hear jungkook and dahyun "DAHYUN YOU ALMOST KILLLED EVE!!" Jungkook yelled at eve "WELL I WOULDN'T OF IF IT WASN'T FOR YOU FOR STEALING MY COOKIE!"
They interrupted my beauty sleep for a cookie. I slowly sit up from my bed using energy I got from my anger. I look at them and I felt different electricity starts to surround me and my eyes change.
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I look at them and yelled "GET OUT NOWWWWW!!" jungkook and dahyun are surprised by my powers and couldn't find the right words to say. I think shot electricity right next to dahyun to scare her off, but then I snapped out of it and my eyes turned back to normal. The electricity surrounding me disappear. I was shocked "I'm so sorry I never mean to do that I never even knew I can do that!"
Jungkook's pov I was amazed by the power this is exactly what jimin was talking about. He said last night she is not human." Dahyun keep you're eyes on eve while I get jimin." I run downstairs using my speed powers.
Jimin's pov As I'm getting ready I hear jungkook yelling my name then he was in front of me. he told me about everything eve did, and we both run upstairs to see her. We got there I didn't see eve but I Sall dahyun. "DAHYUN! WHERE IS-"I hear the door open and I see eve wearing this.
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I stare at her in aw trying to catch my breathe I tried to talk again. What Happened here she explained to me what happened, and she looked nervous while saying it. I go towards eve "Well we got to leave anyway. We are going to see what you are because your clearly not a human. I take her hand but she tugged her hand away from mine.
She looked at me with pain in her eyes "I wanna go home. Why can't you let me go. I want to see my father." She says tht as tears were ready to break out. I looked at her then I turned my head away from her. Not looking at her eyes I take deep breaths, and grab her hand really tight and drag her with me.
Eve's pov "STOP IT ANSWER ME!! LET ME GO!!" I fight with all my strength, but it was useles, so I stopped. He then picks me up bridal style, and he uses he super speed. We got there he and he didn't put me down. He goes to the door step and he tells me to knock on the door for him.
So I did and the door opens, but I didn't see anyone open the door. "Jimin? I think no one is here?" "AHEMMMMM!!! DOWN HERE MISSY!" I slowly look down and started laughing my butt off. I laughed so hard that I couldn't make a sound. I just made a stupid face with no sound coming out.
Finally I get some air going through my mouth. I gasped really loud and started laughing again. The little lady gets mad "drop her jimin." I stopped laughing "say what?" As soon as I say those words he DROPPED ME! I fall on my butt and I groan in pain. The lady grabbed me by my ear and drags me in. While jimin follows behind. We get to a table and sit down.
she then introduced herself "hey my name is lyn I'm dahyun's grandmother. I am a doctor and jimin has told me some things about you, so let's take a sample of your blood." She leads me to a room she tells me to sit down. I sit down and she gets some tools out. "This is going to hurt sweetie." She says as she pricks my finger with a sliver needle. That now turned red. " I shall come back with the results." In a few minutes she comes back "this is very surprising ur many things but in one."