Bilaxy One-Shot (June 14 2018)

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I felt like writing one...

  Seymour liked being part of the Hive 5, robbing, fighting, chilling.

  Yes, he enjoyed all those things. There was one aspect where Seymour hated things, and that was with his leader and his Texan friend.

  He knew the others were sick of them dancing around the sexual tension, that was one of the reasons they tried to cut it each time with a knife.

  Somehow, it always dodged out of the way.

  Seymour was currently sitting on the couch reading with Gizmo across from him working on explosives.

  "Stupid Galaxy working me into the god damn ground. I'm no freaking Cyborg, that ungrateful dragon," he kept muttering as he tinkered.

  Seymour sighed as he returned to his Harry Potter book.

  Kyd Wykkyd was meditating above the rug when Mammoth walked in giving Seymour a look.

  "5... 4... 3... 2... 1..." Seymour counted down as an explosive was heard.



  "HELLO, I'M OBVIOUSLY MESSED UP IN MY NOGGIN," Galaxy shouted as she came in bickering with the hillbilly copy machine.

  Gizmo didn't bother looking up and Kyd Wykkyd eyes narrowed in agitation.

  "What were you even doing in my room anyways you moron. Anything you touch in there explodes anyways?"

  "I was trying to find books on how you dragons work."

  "There is a such thing as asking."

  "Not like you would have given it me anyways."

  "At least you learned something in that peanut brain of yours."

  Seymour covered his ears, but the arguing was to loud and to constant to ignore at this point.


  All eyes were on an enraged cyclops.

  Gizmo looked at him in complete shock, Mammoth froze and slowly turned his head, Kyd Wykkyd was on the ground from the sudden words.

  But not enough magma on the earth could match the heat rising from the two villains that were directed by the words.

  "Um... er... um... dragon's don't... work... mateship not... same... marriage... er..." The pale white skin of Galaxy was red at this point, and in a flash of turqoise light their leader vanished.

  Billy fainted afterwards.

  "Dear gods Seymour, you broke him. Of all the possible things, you broke him with that."

  Kyd Wykkyd splashed a bucket of water in the cloning man's face.

  "I'm up, man guys did I have a horrible dream. You see, I was arguing with Galaxy and Seymour-"

  "Billy, it wasn't a dream," Seymour said, "I actually said that, and Galaxy may be grumpy for the next few years."


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