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yugyeom was lost.

and when i say lost, i mean that homeboy was at least a hundred feet away from the class he was supposed to go.

although it wasn't a big deal, since this period was technically his study hall and he was just going to help his friend in class, he still got lost in this huge school.

he was now wandering throughout the halls of the science field, not really caring to try and finding his friend's classroom since the bell had already rung.

he walked out of the building he was in, stretching out his long limbs as he made he ways through the campus. he decided to wander around the streets, since he was craving something sweet.

he thought about going to a bakery, but remembered that the closest bakery was a thirty minute walk.

at the end, he decided to just walk to the nearest cafe, although he did have to go straight through an alley way to make it there.

now, let's talk about a little about yugyeom.

the boy was standing at a proud 6 foot, with naturally dark brown hair and eyes. he wasn't exactly the most popular boy at his college, but he also wasn't exactly an outcast either. during his high school days, he was pretty well known in the girl and boy region, although he didn't really date that many of those who tried giving him their love. he wasn't what you'd call a fuckboy, he just wasn't very considerate upon many people.

fortunately, the new school and environment have changed him a bit.

the once unloving and inconsiderate boy was now a fun and loving kid.

he still wasn't dating much, but that was more due to him just not feeling the same feelings towards someone else.

now, back to his small walk.

he had made it out of the school campus already, making sure to adjust his backpack as he made it out.

the student was glad he was finally studying what he loves, which was astrology with a side major of dance, but he was honestly stressed from time to time.

i mean, it was college. college was both fun and stressful, right?

either way, yugyeom wasn't gonna let that stop him from having a nice piece of cake.

upon making it to the alleyway, yugyeom noticed a group of males surrounding a single body.

he raised his eyebrow, walking closer as he the noticed the group practically harassing the poor body on the floor.

he, of course, wouldn't be able to take all the guys at once, and decided to scare them instead.

he grabbed a beer bottle he had found, smashing near by them before he hid behind some trash cans.

just to his luck, the males were scared off and ran outside the alley way, giving yugyeom the chance to run up to whoever they were attacking.

without giving it much more thought, he ran towards the body, finding a small boy shaking there.

"hey, you alright there?"

the tall brunette asked, looking down at the frightened boy.

the boy seemed to tense slightly, before tilting his head up to meet the eyes of the male that had saved him.

yugyeom had been familiar with many strange things, put he would've never imagined the sight the before him.

the boy on the ground had soft-looking white, with light blue highlights, hair and had the most beautiful and captivating eyes. not only did he have those big blue eyes that practically looked like mini galaxies, the boy's cheeks and face were sprinkled with sparkly freckles, which looked more like stars to yugyeom. to top it all off, he seemed to have a small galaxy is the middle of his collarbones and the tears on his eyes looked like little crystals rolling down his cheeks.

to say yugyeom was completely fascinated with the teary-eyed boy was an understatement.

noticing he had been rudely staring, yugyeom shook off his surprised face, squatting down to be eye level with the star boy.

"hey, i'm not gonna hurt you like those guy, okay? my names yugyeom, what's yours?"

yugyeom spoke as softly as he possibly could, not wanting to scare away the boy or frighten him even more.

"m-my name's kunpimook bhuwakul,"

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