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Chapter Two

After school was over we all went to Yoongi's place. Surprisingly enough, Yoongi didn't live with his mother. I didn't know a lot about his family status since he was not so open about it, but I knew that she lived in a small town nearby.

Although Yoongi could be a little blunt and shallow at times, he was a very loyal and caring person. Despite trying so hard to hide it, he was really protective of me and acted like an older brother, always making sure I was healthy and happy.

"I'm going to get us something to drink, alright?" I asked standing up, turning at Yoongi for permission.

"Yeah, go ahead." He nodded at me.

I made my way towards the kitchen and looked through the fridge. I took out some beers and soft drinks for the others while for me I poured a glass of apple juice, my favourite.

"Why do you even have so many envelopes here? Are you having a birthday party I'm not aware of, princess?" Lexi asked in a teasing tone.

"These," Yoongi started. "Uh, these are not mine." He said quietly.

"Whatever. Hey, Minna,what happened to those drinks?" She asked as I came out of the kitchen.

"Here." I answer and handed her a glass. I left all the drinks on the small table near the couch and took mine in my hand.

"Isn't Namjoon coming?" Jimin asked, taking a sip from his beer.

"No, he is working the night shift." Yoongi answered since he was the one closest to him.

"Don't you think it's time for you to get a job as well?" Lexi tried to get on his nerves. "You're the same age as Namjoon yet you haven't finished school. Shouldn't you at least get a job like a proper adult?"

"Why should I?" Yoongi snapped. "And who are you to talk, anyway? I don't see you spending your own money for all the make-up you use to cover your ugly face. No, it's all your parents' money."

"Yoongi, what the hell, man!" Hoseok exclaimed in surprise.

"As*hole." Lexi muttered quietly.

"Bi*ch." He continued.

"For f*cks sake, stop it! We are tired of your shit!" Even Jimin sounded mad.

"Yeah, right. I'm going home." Lexi said and stood up. I followed behind her, not enjoying the idea of her walking home alone. "You have fun sending your girly invitations, shitface."

"Come on." I grabbed her arm. "See you tomorrow guys."

[ . . . ]

"Mum, I'm home!" I yelled as soon as I got home.

I walked into the kitchen and I was greeted with my dad. "Your mum is not here. She's gone grocery shopping." He explained munching on some chips. "How are you?"

"Good, you?" I answered simply.

"Good. Aren't you going to eat?"

"No, I already ate." I informed him and run up the stairs. I sat on my bed, removed my shoes and then opened my bag.

I got the envelope out of it and held it on my hands. Curious as to what was inside I opened it and took out a piece of paper.

My eyebrows furrowed as I started reading it.

Far Away II J.JK (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now