Help Me, Yoongi

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{Extra warning. There is mention of rape in this chapter.}

(Y/N) P.O.V.

I woke up with Yoongi's arms wrapped around my waist and his face nuzzled into my back. I shug=ffled a bit and he kissed my shoulder. "Hyung, I need to get up."

I just heard a low groan and felt him get up, his arms no longer around me. I walked out of the room to go let the nurse I got up. She went and got something that hooks up to the feeding tube. I would guess what they are force feeding me. I really don't know. She got it hooked up  to me and I walked back to my room. Yoongi sat, staring off into space and nearly crying when he looked at me. "Yoongi, don't you have work?"

He sighed. "Yes, but I don't want to leave you here.I want to find a way to look after you.."

I sighed. "The nurses could update you every so often. I really don't know. The other guy that was supposed to be on this wing didn't show up, so I'm the only male patient. I have an entire hall to myself, that's the only reason you were allowed to come in and comfort me."

He fiddled with his fingers. "I'm seeing if you can get home treatment, I don't want this to happen every night. Maybe one of the nurses can treat you in our apartment rather than this place.."

"You can only try, Hyung." I hated to see him so torn up about me. 

He got up and pecked me on the lips. "I'll be back."

I just went and sat on my bed. Yoongi's scent lingered on it. I held my knees up to my chest and just stared. I wonder just how fast I will get better. I normally could gain weight fast. 

Maybe I still can. I know I ruined my metabolism. "(Y/N), you're coming home tomorrow night. They want you to be sure about doing home treatment. And one rule is that you can't drink alcohol until after you're recovered."

I just nodded. I would give anything to go home at this very second and treat myself if it meant I was far away from this place. Hyung held me and I just looked at him. I pecked his lips and a small smile appeared across his face. "Get to work. I'll see you soon."

He kissed my forehead and went on. I just sighed and sat back on my bed. I have to go to group therapy so I put on my black skinny jeans that I was given. They actually fit like skinny jeans. I put on my white long sleeved shirt and my Doc Martens Yoongi packed for me.

I felt pitiful walking down the long hallways. I found the therapy room and walked in. Girls from age 7-27. All in the same room. I am the only male here. Good thing I'm gay. 

I took the seat with my name tag in it and sat down. Honestly, I look the worst out of everyone here. They don't look dead. I  look like I could die and you would think I could still be breathing. 

Everything was done sooner than I thought it would be and I spent the rest of my day in my room. I didn't want to see anyone; but according to the scale, after eating the 3 meals a deal, unlike the one I was eating for a while, I had gained 5 pounds in a day..

The nurse said I should have a rather fast recovery. That made me happy. Yoongi will be happy. He came to check on me at his lunch break and I assured him everything was okay and I was ready to go home the next day.  Everyone here knew that I was dating an idol and they all were amazed. They don't know the full story. They could easily release every last detail to the media and that is one of the last things that we need. 

I got hooked back up to some more bags of weird fluid. I was told it was all the vitamins and proteins my body was missing. I have no choice of what to believe. I walked back to my room and laid down. I can't wait to sleep in my own bed with my boyfriend. 

I fell asleep, only to wake up with another person in my room, not a nurse, either.

"He's still asleep. Let me have some action, I've been here for a year." I heard faint mumbles. I could barely hear what was happening, and suddenly I felt my pants being pulled down. What's happening? 

I feel a sensation that only Yoongi can give me and I feel disgust. I don't have enough strength to do much. I tried to push her and she just pinned my hands down. She bit her lip and left my room. I get Yoongi's clothes on and lay in my bed, quiet and still. Yoongi... Get me out of this place...

∆•ANXIETY•∆ {Min Yoongi x Male! Reader}Book 2Where stories live. Discover now