Open House

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Hey here is another story by me. My other stories are: Truth or Dare, Demigods in Hogwarts, My memories and A Percy Jackson Story. I just woke up with this idea so here you go.



Dudley's POV:

Mr. Dursley,

I am pleased to inform you that you and your family are invited to Hogwarts for our open house. Open house is new and we hope it will be a great success. You will be visiting Hogwarts June 21st - 23rd. Kindly send return the owl with your answer.

Yours sincerely,

Professor M. McGonagall

Headmistress of Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry

When we got the letter (by owl of course) dad read the letter his face went to violet in seconds. He burned it a few seconds after reading it, and never mentioned it afterwards.

So on June 21st, about eight o'clock in the morning, when a serious woman with long flowing green robes and a matching hat turned up on their doorstep Mom, Dad and me (I was on vacation) just stood there and stared at her in shock.

"It's rude to stare." she said curtly.

"Why are you here?" Petunia asked

"Because when you didn't answer my invitation we took that as a yes. We are supposed to be at Hogwarts by ten thirty. I came early because I need to tell what Mr. Potter has done at Hogwarts" she said strictly.

Dad looked like he wanted to yell at this woman to get out, but mom asked warily,"What is your name?"

The woman answered,"Professor Minerva McGonagall, I am the headmistress at Hogwarts and I teach transfiguration."

"What has Harry done at Hogwarts?" I asked sense mom and dad seemed to be going into shock.

"There's alot of things Harry has done but I must start about Harry now: he is now one of the most powerful wizards in the world." Minerva said a bit proudly

"What!?! That damn boy can't be that powerful!" dad yelled.

Minerva narrowed her eyes "Don't you know your nephew's name?"

"Of course I know Harry's name" dad said indignantly.

"Anyway, Harry also has a bad temper, a temper to match his mother's" the professor said, and mom winced so I knew Harry's mom must've had a really bad temper. I swore to myself that I will never test Harry's temper again.

"Okay the very beginning, Lily's and James's deaths." Minerva said sadly.

"Who are Lily and James?" I asked completely confused.

Minerva's expression was shocked, "Lily and James are Harry's parents." she said, "Didn't you know?" her expression went to horrified, "Harry didn't know his own parent's names before Hagrid told him." her expression then went to angry and she rounded on mom and dad, "You two never told Harry his own parents names!" Mom seemed guilty and dad seemed angry that he was being called out. "Why didn't you tell Harry?"

"He didn't deserve to know!" "We didn't want him to know that he was abnormal." mom and dad said at the same time.

"Which one is it? That Harry didn't deserve to know or that you just didn't want him to know?" Minerva said. Mom and dad stayed silent, Minerva sighed, "What do you think Dudley?"

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