"Sevy Honey! wake up!" "Just five more minutes?" "No Severus! You said that twenty minutes ago!" "Fine! I'll get up!"
That was the conversation me and my mom have every half moon. I usually lose a lot of sleep after my werecat transformation, so I take a nap before.
After I stumbled out of bed, I went to the bathroom to see how I looked. "Decent enough." I mumbled to myself as I staggered into the kitchen. "Did you do everything I asked you to do Severus?" My mom nagged. "Yes." I said in an unenthusiastic tone. "Well have fun and be safe and be back tomorrow." My mom told me. "Bye Sevy dear!" My mom said as she hugged me. "Bye mom." I replied. then I went out the door.
All was calm when I went outside on that chilly night. Until I looked up at that shining half moon. The wind started blowing. It wasn't that bad for now. then the wind started blowing faster and harder, until it turned cyclonic. This cyclone came towards me and eventually sweeping me up into the air inside of it. I could feel myself shrinking. I saw the black fur growing on my arm. I got very dizzy while going through this transformation. This time I got so dizzy, I nearly passed out. The next thing I knew I was at a front door. not my front door. The front door of eight year old Ella Coppet.

A werecat's ball of yarn
WerewolfSeverus chase has always been a shy teenager at bridgewood high. But when a dark secret is revealed to his friends, they all have to fight for their lives for peace between werewolves and werecats.