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A couple of days ago on my message board, I post the following...

"bruuh, I have never been so disappointed before in my life. Let me just start by saying this, I love my black people, but we have to get it together. First and for most, when I see young black men and black women slandering darker complected black women it hurts my soul, why are they being punished for the heavy amount of melanin they have in their skin? but then I turn around and see a post ALMOST uplifting darker skin women and then slandering lighter skin black women. It doesn't work like that. if you want to empower black women you cannot pick and choose, this is specifically directed towards young black men. Just think of the message you are sending young black girls and boys, you are teaching them that they are unworthy of love because of their skin tone, don't even get me started on the hair. At the end of the day, Light skin is not a race, and dark skin is not a race. Black is black. I also want to point out as women, it is very important that we stick together and uplift each other, because if we don't who will? Especially black women, with the problems we face from being a women, and also black. I'm done with my rant now..."

Futhermore, this is something that has been going on since we were enslaved. A man by the name of Willie Lynch made various amount of letters teaching people how to control their slaves. There was a part in particular where he said "You must use the DARK skin slaves vs. the LIGHT skin slaves, and the LIGHT skin slaves vs. the DARK skin slaves." 

So what does that tell you? That this has been going on for far too long. We're all black at the end of the day. We all still experience racism and being black in america. Just stop with the ignorance, there is no reason to bash on each other. We should all be coming together in unity. 

I would also like to address the fact that when you young black men date these lighter skin women or women of other races with the features of black women. That speaks volumes of what you think about yourself. That shows the internalized self-hate you have for yourself. One thing is for sure, when you have kids they will have pigmentation in their skin no matter what, and there is nothing you can do about it. 

So dark skin, and light skin are just shades. You're still black and beautiful either way. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2014 ⏰

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