youngk oneshot

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hi everyone! uhh i just want to say that this is my first ever written story/oneshot so please bear with it lol. if i have any mistakes or whatsoever please comment it. alsO,,, fULL OF FLUFFINESS so lez get it!

third person p.o.v

you, youngk and jae were hanging out on your house, guitars and jams were all youre talking about. jae was currently playing the guitar, probably practicing and youngk was all over your phone finding some good music. you decided to make milk tea for them and headed to the kitchen. when youre done making them, you gave it to them and they happily drink it.

"y/n, play us something. you can play guitar too right?" jae asked. i do play guitar, its one of my favorite hobbies and i dont really show anyone besides my cousins whenever i play.

"yeah but dont expect too much." you replied with a laugh. you were nervous because you know too well that they are so much greater when its comes to guitar and bass, considering theyre in a band.

you started playing and youngk couldnt take his eyes off and his face expressionless you that made you more nervous. then you started to sing and jae went along with you. youngk hasnt taken his eyes off you since you played the guitar and its making you uncomfortable, thinking that hes not liking how you play. you stopped playing after the first chorus and jae cheered on you.

"wow y/n! i know you play guitar but i didnt know you play too well! you shouldve join us." jae said.

"oh not really. i still suck because i rarely practice since im always busy with school stuff so.." you said. youngk still hasnt said a word but jae beat him to it.

"no youre really good, right youngk? y/n should start a band too!"

"y-yeah youre r-really good! i like it s-so much." youngk said, stuttering.

maybe he doesnt really liked it, maybe hes just lying so that he wouldnt hurt my feelings.


its already 2 am, jae already left and youngk and i were the only one left.

"uhh youngk arent you going home? its late and its dangerous outside." you said, breaking the most awkward silence youve ever had.

"oh yeah im about to head out too." he replied. ever since you played, he became so quiet and it makes you feel sad that hes quiet around you. you were contemplating on asking him why hes acting like that when he started talking.

"you know, you were really a good singer and also at playing guitar. i wonder why you never show them. youre so amazing y/n. i-its one of the things t-that made me like y-you more." he confessed. you just sat there, dumbfounded. not really knowing what to say so you blurted out something that made you want to crawl out your skin.

"i-i like you t-too younghyun-ah" you said that shocked both of you.

"you like me too?" he said with a small smile. you know that theres no way of lying anymore so you confessed too.

"yes youngk, i like you so much." you said shyly.

"since when? how long have you been liking me?" he said, too interested to know.

"since i met you. i remember that day, when jaehyung introduced me to your band i was very shy but you all are so friendly and nice. you caught my eyes and then thats what it took for me to like you. youre so great at everything, youre smart, youre so talented, youre everything ive been looking for a man. i thought you liked another girl so i didnt get my hopes high." you stated.

"y/n, you dont know how much i want you since that day, i was always asking jae if youre gonna go and watch us practice. i was always mentioning you to them and i think, they know that i like you but never said anything about it. ive been wanting to tell you this but i dont have the guts and now that ive finally said it, i wish that i said it sooner. i really, really like you y/n. i want you to be my girlfriend. im not gonna force you to answer me now and im willing to wait." youngk said, smiling from ear-to-ear. you were still shocked to know that youngk, your crush for years, has feelings for you too.

"you know what, you dont have to wait. yes youngk, ill be your girlfriend from now on." you said, smiling.

he leaned closer and engulfed you in a tight but comfortable hug.

"i like you so much. im never gonna get tired of saying that everyday, every minute and every second." he said, neither of you not wanting to move.

"i like you too, so much." you said.

you both just sat there hugging, taking your time to sink in all that has happened for the past minutes. youve never been happy like this before and besides, youngk being your first boyfriend made it so much better. youre contented on what you two are and you can never ask for more.

[the end]


so thats it everybody! sorry if its too short bUT i hope you liked it and thank you for reading such a trashys story lmAO love you all!!

1 person voted for this book! omygod even if its just one, it made my heart jump so highhHh oH gOD THANK YOUUU you made me so happy 💗 i love you all ;>

another person voted for this! thank you so much, you dont know how happy i am! yall are so precious... gAaAaaAaAAAH i love yall thank you!!!

oh my god u guys, its been almost two years. 9 people voted for this??? R U BEINGSERIOUS!!! thank you omg ive never been this happy. i know its not a lot but for me it is  😭 thank u thank u so muuuuuch :>>>> i love you all !!! aaand also, keep safe from the coronavirus guys!!


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