✧W h y ? ✧

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✧Newts Point Of  View ✧

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Newts Point Of  View

I eyed the two guests up and down before trying one more time to get out of the grip, ready to punch his face.

"I don't bloody care! What do you want!" I shout anger starting to build inside of me.

Rat man looked at the women before letting her speak.

"You see Newton you and your sister have this, how do you call it on Earth? Ah! Blood type. The one we need for you to turn and become one of them," she says pointing towards the four plastic creatures.

I looked at her in disbelief, "why?"

"We need more soldiers and since your little friend, destroyed the relay controller, we are losing them quickly only leaving the some behind,"Janson explained folding his arms over his chest.

"But how did you find us?" I spoke finally stop rushing around but listening to them.

Ava cleared her throat before adjust her coat, "the chip that was placed in your neck, was specifically placed to monitor your thoughts, which included this location,"

"But what are you trying to do?" I say fiddling with my fingers.

"This world is pathetic! It needs a true rulers with a real army, and oh boy there are more planets outside the earths atmosphere that needs to be organised. So by having two sets of planets, each including army, the galaxy is ours! Free from all sorts of pain, diseases and helplessness!" Ratman laughed evilly with a stupid grin on his face making me shiver.

"So you're saying you want to take over the world?"



"Alright?" He questioned as everyone stared at me questioningly.

"Well, you seem like a smart man, which the world honestly needs," I began making him smirk proudly as I shrugged, "but how can you do that if you can't even see something coming?"

"What?" He frowns as they stared at me, "What do you mean-,"

He was cut off as both him and Ava, fell onto the ground. I laughed as I looked up seeing the person I knew will help.

"Good to see you lizard, though it was only like 8 minutes ago or so," the doctor chuckles placing the sonic screwdriver back to his pocket.

"Yea good to see you but hey use that screwdriver for the mannequins, will ya?" I chuckle as he stared confusingly, making me nod my head towards me and my family.

"Oh!" He rips out the sonic screwdriver again and shoots the blue light onto the mannequins, destroying them.

Feeling the tight grip letting me go, I sigh feeling free once again. I run towards my family kneeling before them.

"Are you alright?" I ask carefully rubbing their arms with my hand.

"We are sweetheart, but who's that?" My mum points towards the brunette, who was studying the mannequins on the floor.

"Um that's, uh, the doctor," I answered ripping my gaze from his to my mum who seemed confused.

"Doctor, Who?" She asks making me chuckle and nodding my head, "Well, Okay, But didn't that man say that your friend over there, has something to do with this?"

"Yes, I do," Doctor says standing up straight facing us, "they're my long time enemies, never killed them because I don't kill, but they found a new way to find an army by the looks of it,"

"What did he mean about you destroying the relay thingy?"

"Mum," I whine massaging my temple.

"It's okay Newt," brunette answered sitting onto the floor next to me, "when I heard the plastic creatures are walking around, I knew Ava and Janson have something to do with it and I was right. So I destroyed the device making the mannequins fall and never being able to be real again, but like they said, they need an army and you two have the perfect type for it," he points to me and my sister but keeps a strong gaze towards me.

"Do you know how to destroy it?" I ask not daring to blink as we stared strongly at each other.

"Yea I've got something but," He starts looking down,

"But what?" I push as I wanted to know what his thoughts were.

"But, it does mean getting rid off these two," he answered quietly as though he was ashamed.

I carefully place my fingers under his chin, creating goose bumps on my arm, pulling it up and once again stare at his eyes but with more emotion and reassurance.

"It's okay, if it means saving people, it's worth it," I whispered, pulling my hand slowly away and giving him a smile.

"Why do you need to kill them?" My sister asks when the silent began to form.

"Well, dear," he starts turning his attention to her, "they carry this device in them that if it's destroyed , it will somewhat destroy some parts of the mannequins but to make it work, they both need to be gone,"

"It's alright," my mum spoke placing her arm caringly on his shoulder, smiling a little at him, "but a question, how did you know we needed help?"

The doctor and I both chuckle making them both confused. I held up the small phone in my right arm.

"When I was held back I remembered I have this phone which has the number of the doctor, so whilst he was talking I stayed still and fiddled with my fingers,

"But what are you trying to do?" I say fiddling with my fingers,

Just enough so I can call the doctor quietly and he heard the conversation and boom! He's here,"

I smile earning a high five from the doctor. The contact of the skin made my insides go funny.

"Well, looks like I have to get going, need to think of a plan," he said cheerfully as he stood up, brushing his blazer from the dust.

"Nah Ah, I'm joining you, you'll need a hand," I chuckled as he looked at me with a smirk, before handing me his hand.

Which I gladly accepted.

Hello! Here's another quite short chapter! :)

Yep I write another one! I just had time to write yesterday so I'm also working on the last chapter as well! (Which will happen after 3/4 chapters :) )

I hope you having a great day/night! :)

-Lizzie 💙

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