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"He thought he was a threat, a rival vying for his omega."


O C T O B E R   5 T H,   2 1 1 7

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O C T O B E R   5 T H,   2 1 1 7


Louis rushed down the hill with a speed he had never even imagined he could run at, racing across the courtyard, and finally dashing through the small wooden door that led into the kitchen. He was pretty sure a few of the cooks had been scared half to death at the way he tore through the room and exited right out the opposite side without a word. He received many bemused stares that he didn't get a chance to see who from, because of his accelerated pace. Once he was on the second floor, he was hurtling towards Gemma and Niall as they walked peacefully through the halls, the pair coming to a stop in order to address the situation.

"Lou-Louis! Slow down!" The blonde omega gripped the boy's shoulders, making him come to a halt and breathe heavily, the sudden exertion catching up to him. "What happened?"

Louis caught a hold of his breathing long enough to respond with a raspy tone, "Harry, he... my heat came early."

The omega registered two sharp intakes of breath, and Gemma was immediately pulling him and their friend to follow her down the hallway, to Louis' bedroom. She knew that soon enough, the boy would be pulled under a hazy, libidinous fog, and become instantly unable to control his words and actions, his body solely focused on one thing.

As soon as the trio stood in front of the bedroom door, Louis had reached that state of mind, and began begging for things he wasn't sure he actually wanted.

"G-Gemma please, I need him. I need Harry, I-"

The beta's face crumpled upon hearing the lascivious words spoken about her older brother. She watched as Niall struggled to open the door, his fellow omega leaning most of his weight against him, panting with yearning desire.

"Niall, wait." He turned at the sound of her voice, ready to hear any suggestions she might have that would help with their predicament. "He can stay in Harry's room-"

"Ohh, Harry! I want him!" The omega in heat moaned and whined upon hearing the alpha's name, wanting nothing more than to be in his presence.

"Louis, shush!" Gemma tried to conceal her distaste, she certainly did not want to mention the king again, for fear of Louis' lustful comments getting even more indecent.

"Niall, let's take him to Ha- his room, it'll help Louis through his heat, and mask the scent." The blonde grunted an agreement, and the pair half-carried Louis back towards the King's chambers.

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