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"I knew I wanted you the second I saw you."


O C T O B E R   1 8 T H ,   2 1 1 7

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O C T O B E R 1 8 T H ,   2 1 1 7


It had been an awkward supper, to say the least. Louis had take his normal seat next to Harry (with much hesitation), before the king had arrived. When he finally did appear, Harry was extremely displeased to discover that his new least favorite cousin occupied his chair next to the beautiful omega. The king scolded himself for not coming earlier, and sent death glares towards Zain all throughout the meal, especially when the other alpha would openly flirt. Louis of course, was quite oblivious to the extra attention he was being given.

Zain would lean in slightly whenever Louis would. He would maintain direct eye contact, and subtly brush his fingertips along the omega's arm whenever he could. Harry knew his cousin only did it to provoke him, hoping to spark a reaction from the king. He was very glad when Zain drove home the following morning, happy to finally have his omega back to himself. This didn't end up being the case, because Louis ignored him, hastily exiting the room whenever Harry walked in.

Louis became quite good at avoiding the king. Ever since the breakfast incident from a week ago, he had found himself spending much more time downstairs in the library reading, making sure to avoid the throne room where the alpha would be working and attending to his people. Louis also knew of a meeting room up on the sixth floor that Harry had been spending a lot more time in as of late, and he was grateful for all the space between them, as he was not quite ready to face the daunting alpha king.

The king knew where his boy had been escaping to, and he didn't mind too much. As long as Louis was safe in their home, he could handle the distance from his future mate for a little while. Harry knew he wouldn't let it go on much longer, though. He figured he was rather harsh at their breakfast a week ago, and the boy deserved space.

Louis was currently in the library, his new favorite book open in his lap. He was sat on a large loveseat, drowning in a thick green blanket. The library was two stories, the ceiling opening up in the middle to reveal the second floor and a spiral staircase. On the second story, there was a beautiful balcony where he could sit on and read if the weather was nice. There were beautiful statues in the corners of knights, and animals. The entire room had a forest, outdoor theme, and it made Louis feel very much at home.

His eyes lifted from the words on his page when he heard someone enter the room, ready to make a quick escape. The omega relaxed when he realized it was only Nya, coming in to dust the room. Louis smiled softly at the beta, and was happy to receive one back.

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