Chapter Two

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"Right in between the eyes. Don't let it suffer." I whispered as Renesmee aimed at the hare that was in the brush. I watched as Renesmee draw back the arrow on the bow. I blinked and it was all over. I rolled my eyes looking at her laughing,"To easy!" She giggled and got off her stomach from laying on the ground. She had retrieved the hare asking if we could have stow tonight for dinner.

I gave a simple nod as handed her my pocket knife. Renesmee cleaned and gutted the hare. We were out about half a mile from the bunker. It was early dawn,there was still dew on the plants and trees. A Blue Jay making a ruckus in the trees nearby, probably fighting off a squirrel or something. The ground and the foliage giving off that earthy smell to it," Okay how about this,I will go to the store to pick up the things for the stow,and you can make it. Sound like a plan."

She just smiled up at me as we continued to walk,Renesmee stopped dead in her tracks. Her eyes calm as she pointed up a head to a person hunched over down on the ground gnawing on something. His back was towards us, quickly grabbing my dad's old 40 out of the back of my waistband. I looked at Renesmee putting my finger over my mouth to tell her to stay quiet.

I inched her back and we turned around and had to walk a little over a mile to guide around the person. In order to stay out of his sight. We got back to the bunker and before I could open the door Renesmee pulled my sleeve."What was wrong with him?"

"Probably high as a kite and just had a bad reaction, everything is laced nowadays.",she nodded and excepting my answer. She trailied down the ladder of the know open bunker. I took a quick glance around before entering the bunker myself. Renesmee handed me her bow and quiver and took the hare to the kitchen.

"I'm amusing that was dinner?",Mason mumbled from the pillow he laid on. I shrugged and walked to me and Renesmee's room. We share a bed and the small room in the bunker. The other four sleep in the main room which is where you first enter coming down the ladder to the entrance. Currently there all in there know sleeping. A small table as well in the room,and a Christmas tree we could afford this year.

Most of the bunker is dimly lit but it works.

Most of the bunker is dimly lit but it works

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