Chapter Four

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"Your not leaving.",the man keep annoying me as I watched the cameras. I waited a moment as I check every cam. "Alright, go!", I hollered,I headed to the back door open and then as I was heading to the back door I saw the Marines we're in the back of the truck trying to get Noah out of the pick up part of the truck.

I pulled out my gun as I pointed at the Marine holding Noah's arm. The other Marines we're trying to get Tik Tik and Mason out of the driver's side and passenger. Hearing groaning as looked towards the corner of the building. Everyone else was to busy yelling and arguing with each other that no one noticed every single one of those things that was in the front of the building is now in the back. I started pulling the trigger as I watched those things start running towards me.

Killing four I turned running to the truck. Those 'things' were getting too close for comfort and I knew I could possibly be outnumbered. The Marines opened fire, as well as Noah and Mason. The other two bodies hit the ground. Tik Tik managed to get the truck started, all the Marines we're in the back on the truck with Noah. Getting to the truck Noah grabbing my hand yanking me into the truck.

Tik Tik hitting the gas hard,the truck jolted before it started moving. We got the hell out of there heading towards the bunker."Okay so what's the military doing in a small town. Especially assholes like you cause you guys are a pain in the ass!" Noah scuffed as he glared and each and every one of them."Who are you calling pain-in-the-ass,you kids don't ever listen.",a female Marine scoffed back at him.

"Yeah and because of you all,we could have lost Erin,you dumb fucks. We would have already been gone and out of your hair if you all wouldn't have stopped us so,this is your fault you shouldn't even be in this truck." Noah shoot back. Interrupting both of their argument I looked at what I assumed to be the commander of this unit."Let me take a quick guess your here to neutralize or you here to quarantine?" I asked.

"That's classified information you can't issue information to the public.",he replied. I nodded for a moment,looked at him,and cock my head to the side a little bit."Okay so get out of the truck."I said with a cold stone voice,I banged on the side of the truck so Tik Tik now to stop. The truck came to a stop,"Get out."I said bluntly. The commander gave me an annoyed expression.

"What? Is there a problem, I asked you something you don't want to answer. Your in our truck and we don't even know if we can trust you."I spat with a sarcastic smile."...Okay look, we honestly have no idea what's going on. Same as you, we just got the deploy here we're supposed to be here helping set up quarantine. We can't set up a quarantine without those 'things' coming after everyone and they already took out a couple other units along with some of the doctors."he pause for a moment.

"Afterwards we lost contact with main headquarters. We acted on our own, so did the other units that were left. Knowing full well that we weren't going to be able to hold those things back for long. The position of quarantine was compromised. Being it was at the dead center of town didn't help either. Those things came from all sides. We managed to make it to the corner store, we met you all, and now we're both in the back of a pickup truck. So since neither of us know what's honestly going on, why don't we stick together it would be the smartest option?",he asked as he raised an eyebrow,with his hand held out indicating a truths. At this point in time his face softened.

"I'll make this quick we'll call it a truths for the moment. We're heading back to my bunker, in my bunker you follow my rules,my rules alone. I will be taking your ammunition and your guns will be stored elsewhere unless you can solemnly swear that we can trust you.",I said waiting for an expression on his face. His facial expression didn't change but he did take my out held hand and shook it.

"You give me any reason not to trust you and I'm kicking you and your unit to the curb."I stated out loud for every single one of his group members to hear. He nodded and told me that seems fair. By the look Noah was giving me he wasn't happy about the situation. The truck started moving again and we turned off the main road to a dirt road and headed down the heavily wooded path.

Annoyed with how many branches were hitting me in the face. Being that we're usually on foot when we come down this dirt road we avoid most branches.

Pulling up to the bunker I jumped out of the moving truck before it stopped. I punched in the code quickly so none of the Marines would see it. Tik Tik getting out of the truck throw both of the duffle bags into the open bunker while I still had the messenger bag around my shoulder. Making sure Mason and Noah went down in front of the Marines. Me and Tik Tik stayed outside for a moment to make sure no one followed us."The rain will be coming,so the tire tracks will be gone.", Tik Tik said smelling the air.

He glanced at me rubbing my head. Blushing slightly I went to wave his hand away telling him to stop."Don't worry,I think you made the right choice. You let the Dragonflies for years and never went wrong. Your decision making skills and your leadership are something I envy about you. You're tough,which is what most guys don't expect coming from a girl.",he chuckled.

Tik Tik always had that ' I'll protect you, big brother roll' about him. He only shows that side of him when they weren't people around he does the same to Renesmee. But he's more open about it with her than with me. He placed his hand on my back and gave me a slight push towards the opening of the bunker. I got the gist started to head down into the bunker.

Tik Tik closing the door as he came into the bunker behind him. The light from the outside world slowly starting to fade out into the dim one that we know as the bunker. Walking into the main room, Mai had her arms around Renesmee. On the sight of seeing me Renesmee ran over to me hugging me tight burying her face in my jacket. "I guess I should introduce myself." One of the Marines stepped forward.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2020 ⏰

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